Chapter Thirty Five-Colton

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"Hey, son" saint says as he answers my call.

"Hey" I say hesitantly.

He sighs heavily. "Son, there is no easy way to say this—" he says hesitantly.

I knew it was bad news...

"What is it? Is it Momma? Is she okay?" I ask him.

She was fine yesterday, wasn't she?

"Your momma is fine, son" he chuckles. "Just fine"

"Well, What is it?" I ask exasperated.

"Your birth mom was found dead" he tells me.

My heart sinks at the news, I shouldn't feel anything should I? Not about her anyway, she didn't give a fuck about me that's for sure.

I huff. "And?!" I growl.

"Now, Colton—your momma brought you up better than that" Saint growls at me.

I sigh heavily. "I'm sorry—"

"It's alright, son" he tells me. "You have every right to feel the way you do after the way she treated you, but she still brought you into this world" he scolds me.

"How?" I ask, Ignoring his little rant.

"Suspected overdose" he tells me.

I snort humourlessly. "Figures"

"I think you should be at her funeral, son" saint says hesitantly. "Pay you respects"

"My respects?" I hiss. "Why should I? What did she ever do for me besides not be my mom?!" I ask him angrily.

He's quiet on his end. "All I ever wanted from her was her love, and she didn't show me a fucking thing" I say as my voice cracks with emotion.

"You'll regret it if you don't say goodbye" he tells me sadly. "Trust me, I know—I know she fucked up by not being a mother to you son, but she's free now, free from the chain of addiction"

I get the feeling that Saint has his own demons, but I won't question him on it. I know he's talking from experience. I sigh heavily trying to get control of my emotions as I rub my hand over my face. "When is her funeral? Is she even having one?" I ask.

"Because she has no known next of kin, the state have put her down for cremation" Saint tells me. "On Thursday" he adds.

I don't bother saying that I'M her next of kin, because I became nothing to her when she signed her rights away—fuck, I was always nothing to her...

"This Thursday?" I ask him.

It's Sunday today, so it's do-able, I'll ask Marcus to arrange time off as a family emergency. My thoughts instantly go to Layla, I wonder if she'll come to Texas with me? I walk towards the bathroom where she's currently getting a relaxing bath, leaving me to have a private talk with saint.

I open the door and there lying in the tub filled with bubbles is my angel—her smile lights up the room as she looks at me. "Hey, angel—do you think you could take a couple of days off work to come to Texas with me?" I ask her.

"Really?" She beams. "Of course, I'll talk to Michelle first thing tomorrow morning"

"My birth mom was found dead, angel" I tell her hesitantly.

Her smiles dies as she gasps covering her mouth and stands up naked as the day she was born only covered with bubbles. "Oh, my god" she cries coming towards me and wraps me up in her arms. "I'm so sorry, Colton" she tells me. "Are you okay?" She asks me warily.

I shrug. "As well as I could be, given the circumstances"

She hugs me once more, and I'm even more aware of her nakedness now as the water soaks through my clothes. "Saint, I've gotta go— I'll arrange a flight for me and Layla to fly out as soon as, tell momma I love her" I tell him.

"Will do, son" he tells me. "Bye darlin' " he shouts so Layla can hear him.

"Bye Saint" she shouts back and I hang up. "Oh, baby—I'm so sorry" she says softly as she hugs me to her naked body.

"Come on, lets get you dry before you catch a cold" I tell her as I wrap a towel around her.

"It's okay to be upset you know" she says softly yet hesitantly.

"Just leave it angel, I'm already going to her funeral" I growl as I walk away from her.

"Okay, I'm sorry—I just" she says before I cut her off with a passionate kiss.

Lifting her up she instantly wraps her legs around my waist. "Okay, I'll stop talking about her now"

"Thankyou, angel mine" I croon as I take her lips with mine once again.

I walk us through to our bedroom and lower her to the mattress. "I get to dirty you all up, all over again" I grin wickedly.

"Well, by all means" she purrs opening her legs.

"I fucking love you" I growl as I kneel on the mattress.

Her eyes soften as she reaches for me, pulling me down on top of her, I'm careful to support my weight so I don't crush her as her arms wrap around my neck. "I love you, too" she says softly hugging me tightly.

I know my angel is giving me the comfort that I'm unwilling to admit that I need. "It's okay" she whispers.

My eyes close, and I bury my face in her neck hugging back as tightly as I can. All I feel for my birth mom right now is a lot of anger, anger for not loving me, anger for giving me up, anger for choosing drugs over living.

"It's okay" my girl whispers softly in my ear once more.

My heart aches for what could of been, what would of happened if she loved me, what would of happened if she chose me over the drugs. But then the anger comes back remembering everything I had to endure before I met momma k. Starvation, the constant reminder of how much she hated me, didn't want me, the beatings, living on the street, sleeping in the cold and rain.

Everything I had to endure brings tears to my eyes, I haven't cried in fucking years and losing the woman who told me repeatedly, daily even, that she hated me. All I ever wanted was her love, her comfort, for her to fucking choose me not a drug, not her fucking pimp. I realise then and there, that I haven't dealt with this. As a kid I put a block up, once I met momma k, she gave me everything I could ever need. Love, warmth—fuck, she fucking fed me and she never once treated me negatively, I think that's why I've never faced what my birth mom did.

"Are you okay?" My angel asks as she strokes my hair.

I pull myself from her neck and look down at her. "No, but I will be" I tell her with a small smile.

She smiles up at me as she cups my cheek, I nuzzle into her hand placing a kiss there before kissing her lips passionately. My angel starts to remove my T-shirt and pushes my joggers down past my ass, I'm commando underneath and already rock hard as I slowly push inside her wet, hot heat and begin to push in and out of her. Her moans spur me on, pulling a leg over my shoulder I roll my hips hitting that sweet spot. I just stare at the perfection below me, her pretty lips open in pleasure, her eyes dilated, her gorgeous blonde hair fanned out around her making her look even more like my angel...

My thrusts quicken, my eyes never straying from hers as I feel her starting to quiver around my cock sucking me so good. Her eyes are full of love for me, for me, even with my fuckedupness she still loves me, still wants me.

Her light, to my dark...
Her light consumes me...
Her light comforts me...
Her light loves me...
Her light is overpowering my darkness...
She is everything...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now