Chapter Sixty Five-Colton (Unedited)

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"Where are we goin'?" My angel asks me as we arrive at the airport.

"I don't know, angel—I told you, it's a surprise until we actually get to the check in" I tell her, repeating what I'm sure I've repeated several times this morning alone.

Craig and Catherine has given us our honeymoon as a wedding gift, but instead of telling us, they packed our suitcase gave us our passports and left the boarding passes with the people at customer services. "I'm dying to know" my girl huffs impatiently.

"I have to admit, they've gone all out on keeping this a surprise" I say out loud.

"Doesn't help that they've padlocked our suitcases too, I mean—who does that?" My girl asks me.

"Our weirdo best friends, angel" I shrug chuckling as we move forward in the queue.

"I think we should start looking for new bff's" she grumbles making me chuckle as I tuck her to my side and kiss her temple.

"Next, please" the woman behind the desk shouts, her eyes light up as she sees my face.

"Fucking great, another fan, eh, husband?" My angel grumbles as her eyes flare with jealousy.

"Angel" I say softly.

She ignores me going forward and plasters a smile on her beautiful face. "Oh, hi, me and my husband here" she says looking back at me before looking at woman again. "Have been told by our pain in the arse best friends to come here and pick up our boarding passes, and hopefully a key for this unnecessary padlock that is on our suitcase" she informs the lady.

The lady grins from ear to ear. "Mr and Mrs Coleman, I presume?!" She asks my wife.

"That's us" I say coming forward.

"Mr and Mrs Berkeley have left this envelope for you" she says handing Layla the envelope.

Layla frowns at the envelope but opens it pulling out the boarding pass and a key, no doubt the key to the padlock, Layla looks over the boarding pass when her eyes widen. "Oh, my god—we're going to Ireland" she squeals. "I get to see where p.s I love you was filmed" she says excitedly doing the mc hammer dance.

I frown at her excitement. "P.S I love you?" I ask confused.

"Oh, my god—seriously?" She cries. "Gerard Butler? One of the best romantic films ever, set in Ireland"

"God, that man" the clerk sighs dreamily making me roll my eyes. "What I would do to him" she says to herself and blushes Scarlett when she sees me and Layla looking at her.

"Catherine knew I've always wanted to go to Ireland, to see where it was filmed" my girl says excitedly. "Plus, it's a beautiful place—Ireland, we'll get to do a lot of sightseeing" she says happily.

I don't give two fucks where we're goin' as long as I see her beautiful smile...

"Okay, so your check in point is at gate fourteen, and your flight is in two hours" the clerk says politely. "You are welcome to use our facilities once you check in" she adds.

"Thankyou" we say in unison as we leave the desk and walk toward the check in point.

"I can't believe we're going to Ireland" she says happily. "To be honest, I'm glad it's a short distance flight—I didn't wanna fly for too long, I've been worrying about how the flight would of been"

We found out recently, that Layla could fly up to thirty six weeks but the flight could never be more than four hours otherwise she's at risk of DVT. Even though she's just over five months now, we still didn't wanna risk it. We told Craig and Catherine our concerns when it came to our honeymoon and Catherine had begged us to let them pay for our honeymoon as our wedding gift, we did, after all, they did the same for us.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now