Chapter Thirty- Colton

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"Why the fuck isn't anyone answering their fucking phones?" My girl cries angrily as she types in another name and puts it back to her ear.

"Ava?" She cries. "Oh, thank god— no one is answering their phones... have they found her?" She asks and waits for her reply.

I watch as my beautiful angel face goes deathly pale and a tear falls down her cheek. I pull over where ever I legally can and by the time I do she's in bits. "Hey, angel" I croon. "What's goin on?" I ask.

"She's in surgery, Rebecca had bashed her over the head with a metal bat—she's in a bad way, Colton. They've had to rush her into surgery to get the swelling off her brain" she sobs.

Fuck—Craig must be in bits...

"God, Craig must be losing his mind—he was the one who found her in the end," she tells me.

"Fuck" I mutter. "Where are they?" I ask her.

"Liverpool hospital," she tells me worriedly.

"She'll be okay, angel mine" I croon.

She looks at me as a tear cascades down her cheek, and my heart squeezes at the sight. "Are you okay, baby?" I ask her.

She nods with a sniffle. "I just don't wanna lose her, Colton—she's my best friend, my sister"

I take her in my arms hugging her close. "She's strong baby, she'll pull through this"

She sniffles again and nods her head. "Shall we go see your girl?" I ask her as I wipe her tears away.

She nods with a grateful smile. "You'll have to show me the way though baby, your man is still pretty new here," I say with a wink hoping to cheer her up.

It works, as a huge smile graces her face and another tear cascades down her cheek. "I'll show you," she says softly.

After guiding me to the hospital, we park up and run inside. We see Amber and Russ first standing up, Russ has his arm wrapped around amber's waist and they're talking.

Amber spots us as we approach. "Hey, Lay-Lay, sorry I didn't answer your call my phone was on silent," she says to my girl as she hugs her tight. "Hey, Colton" she smiles at me.

"Hey" I smile tipping my hat and I realise I'm not actually wearing it.

"How is she? Where's Craig?" Layla asks her.

"She's in surgery still, Craig's pacing outside the door they took Catherine through, everyone is sat in the waiting room" she gestures to the waiting room.

Me and Layla walk around to where Craig is and there he is, you can tell just from his posture that he's a mess and trying to keep his shit together.

"That's not gonna make him come any faster son," Craig's dad says from the chair he's sitting on. Craig sends a glare at his dad as his mom slaps his leg lightly. "Leave him be Chris, if he feels better pacing—let him pace" she scolds him.

Craig growls angrily punching the vending machine. "What the fuck is taking so long? He promised he'd come and tell me if there was any news" He says as he pulls at his hair, tears cascade down his cheeks.

My heart breaks for my best friend as he's in bits, I walk over to him and grab him by the nape of his neck, squeezing gently. "Craig, man, how about you tell us the story about when you met your girl? Keep your brain busy, the doctors are doing their job—they'll keep their promise, bud." I ask him smiling encouragingly.

He sniffles, wiping the tears from his face as he smiles sadly. "The day I met Catherine was the best day of my life, it was at Eva and Justin's wedding reception." He laughs. "I'd just caught our Russ and Amber goin at it in the toilets" he chuckles as he thinks back to that day. Russ laughs spanking Amber on her arse whilst she's sat on his lap. "I reckon that was the day I knocked you up with our Teej" he boasts wiggling his eyebrows at her, amber slaps him on the chest. "Oh my god, shut up Russ" she hisses in embarrassment and then looks to Craig with tears in her eyes. "I remember the look on your face when you first laid eyes on her" she smiles shaking her head. "It was so cute, he couldn't take his eyes off her, then it was weird—it was like she could feel him, as he was walking towards her, she looked up at him and it was like something straight outta Romeo and Juliet or some shit" she chuckles.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now