Chapter Fifty Seven- Colton (Unedited)

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"I got that photo taken down," Marcus tells me as I fix my tie.

"Thanks, really appreciate that," I tell him. "Did you find out why he did it?"

"Not really, but people only do shit like this for two reasons—one," he says holding one finger up. "Money and two" he adds putting two fingers up. "Attention, he's obviously not getting either, so he got desperate" he shrugs.

"He needs to stay the fuck away from my woman, he made her cry yesterday, he's lucky she asked me to leave him alone" I snarl. "Fucker would be dead, nobody makes my girl cry, no one" I growl getting pissed off with my tie.

"Saint and Lucas said they'll look into him," Marcus says looking to me, then to the tie trying to keep a straight face.

"You need help there, my sweet boy?" Mama says from the doorway.

My anger and frustration disappears by the sound of my mama's voice. I look to the doorway and she looks beautiful, she's dressed in a grey dress that comes off on the shoulders with lace on the arms. Her hair is up in a curly updo with one of those hat thingies with feathers on the side, her makeup is done flawlessly. "You look stunning, mama," I say softly as she enters the room.

She smiles at me and gives Marcus a kiss on the cheek. "Marcus"

"Mama, you look ravishing" he grins.

"You know, that sounds all sorts of wrong coming from your mouth Marcus" mama snorts.

He shrugs kissing her cheek and salutes me before leaving the room. "It's a good job Saint didn't hear him then" I chuckle as she kisses my cheek.

"Oh, Craig has him occupied" she chuckles. "He hasn't even seen me yet"

"Why, what's Craig doing now?" I groan.

"Oh, he's hogging the shower using up the hot water," she tells me.

"Mama, it's an electric shower, you've got constant hot water," I tell her.

"Oh," she giggles. "Saint doesn't know that"

"Kathy" saint booms. "Baby, you need to have words with your Brit" he bellows snarling the Brit word. "He's hogging the damn shower" he shouts as he gets closer. "Fucker, is shouting shit about not rushing perfection, I swear—" he says as he enters the room and his eyes widen at my mama. "God damn perfection, right here" he gulps. "Jesus, Kathy, you look—" he shakes his head lost for words.

 "Jesus, Kathy, you look—" he shakes his head lost for words

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She does a slow circle. "Do I look okay?" She asks him. "Elora said it's one of the best mothers of the groom outfits," she says nervously.

He stomps over to her cupping her by the hips. "Woman, let me tell you right fucking now that if our boy weren't here, I'd show you just how fucking perfect you look" He growls in her ear making her giggle like a little school girl.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now