Chapter Sixty Four- Layla (Unedited)

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We stumble into our room, our mouths hungry for one another shutting the door behind us. Colton suddenly rips my dress from my body making me gasp as it falls to the floor. "I could of sold this on" I cry making him laugh out loud. "I don't see how that's funny" I growl.

"What's funny is what makes you think I give a shit about you selling this dress, a dress I might add that you're only wearing the once—so it doesn't matter, angel" he croons kissing my neck. "Now, on the bed" he growls making me shiver.

I slowly walk over to the bed, take my shoes off and sit down on the bed. Looking over to my husband he has his shirt off, his gorgeous muscles chest on display, my mouth waters as his muscles flex, his finger in his mouth licking off the cream on his finger. His eyes darken as he prowls towards me licking his lips slowly, seductively...

Oh, fuck...he's giving me that look that promises a lot of nasty time.

Putting down the cake box, he reaches for my knickers and slowly peels them down my legs, I scoop a bit of cake into my mouth, not giving two fucks if it's sexy or not as hello—pregnant. I moan as the taste of the chocolate sponge, the chocolate orange and buttercream icing explodes on my tongue. "Jesus, that's magic" I groan making him chuckle darkly as he scoops up a handful, gently pushes me back onto the bed and begins to rub the cake into my skin, I gasp at the coldness and giggle at his expression as he rubs the sweet goodness into my tits, stomach and finally—my pussy, making me gasp in pleasure.

He stands back licking at his fingers slowly as he gazes at my cake covered body. "You look fucking delicious, angel" he growls. "Now—where shall I start?" He croons tapping at his chin in thought.

Grinning wickedly, I open my thighs, baring my cake covered pussy to him. "One chocolate orange cake pussy, coming right up" I purr.

His growls echoes in the room as he kneels on the bed inbetween my thighs as his eyes roam my body once more. "I fucking love you, angel mine—I worship you, you're my life, I still can't believe you're mine, my wife, I will spend the rest of my days loving you, with my mind, my heart, my soul and my body" he says softly. "Thankyou for loving me, angel—Thankyou for giving me you" he says before he kisses me gently on the lips before he starts kissing and licking at my body as he goes further down, every touch, every kiss is like fire consuming my body, I crave him, I need him, just as much as he needs me.

"I love you" I whimper. "Colton, please"

"It's okay, angel—I'll take care of you" he croons with a huge smile on his face before his tongue glides through my folds and cake. "Mmmm" he growls. "Fucking delicious" he groans licking and sucking at my clit.

I gasp in pleasure. "Colton" I whimper.

"Yeah, baby—scream my name, tell everyone who fucking owns this pussy" he growls as he licks, kisses and sucks at my pussy lips.

"I need you inside me Colton, fuck, I need you" I plead. "Please, don't make me beg" I whimper.

His eyes soften as he gives my pussy one more lingering lick from hole to clit and crawls over me, my wetness mixed with wedding cake is on his face. I reach for the towels that had been left for us conveniently on the bed and wipe his face giggling at him.

"I love that laugh" he says softly. "I'll make sure I make you laugh everyday, just so I can hear you laugh"

I blush scarlet as he takes the towel from my hand and gently rolls us so I'm straddling his hips. "Ride me, angel—Ride your husband" he growls softly.

I lift up to my knees and grasp my husband's hard cock in my palm and slowly lower myself down on to him making us both groan out in unison. "Fuck, you feel so good angel, so hot, tight and wet" he growls.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now