Chapter Fifty One- Colton (Unedited)

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It's the day of my mama and pops wedding, my childhood home was now heaving with caterers, decors as they carried shit to and from the barn that is now unrecognisable as its decked out with mesh shit, don't ask me what it's called Cos I ain't got a fuck all of a clue, flowers, white deck chairs and a white carpet flowing through like an aisle.

"Weird seeing the barn like that, huh?" Pops says coming up behind me.

"Yeah" I say. "Who knew the thing could look—pretty?" I ask him.

"Yeah, well, what your mama wants, your mama gets—this is her first and only time she'll be getting married so I wanted her to have everything she wanted" saint says looking at the men decorating the old barn.

"I'm happy you've got each other" I blurt.

His gaze connects with mine and he grins. "Thanks son"

I hear my angel's giggle then and my gaze finds her with Catherine and Craig, saint looks to where I'm looking and he chuckles. "Got it bad, huh, son?"

I smile as her head turns towards me, like she felt me watching her and she smiles back at me. "She's everything" I tell him.

"I like seeing that look on your face" he tells me.

I frown. "What face?"

"Happiness" he tells me with a grin and slaps my back and walks away.

Layla comes over to me and kisses my lips softly. "Hi"

"Hey, baby" I croon.

"It looks beautiful doesn't it?" She says softly.

"Yeah—" I say still looking at her.

She's fucking stunning, even with them rollers in...

"COCK-A-DOODLEDOOOOOOOO" Stan the cockerel crows.

"For fucksake, It's nearly noon, ya dumbass" Saints bellows making me and Layla chuckle.

"Saint—leave Stan alone" mama crows from inside the house.

"It's my fucking wedding day" he growls approaching Stan slowly. "And you've got my woman shouting at me"

"Pop, leave the bird alone" I chuckle.

His gaze finds mine and an evil grin the size of my hometown comes upon his face. "Oh, I ain't gonna do nothin' to the lil fella" he tells me. "Just snap it's fuckin' neck" he mutters as he approaches Stan, stan's clucking away none of wiser.

"Mama" Craig cries suddenly. "Saints trying to kill Stan again" making Stan run away.

"Boy" saint growls at Craig.

"Mama told me to watch you" Craig says in defence.

Saint growls and looks over to where Stan is retreating. "I'll get you, you little shit" he growls loudly.


Craig chuckles then pointing at Stan. "He's winding you up now, the lil fucker"

Saint glares at Craig then, making Craig slowly move away from us. "Mama, Saint's looking at me funny" he shouts.

I chuckle as Saint prowls towards him slowly. "Mama" Craig shouts then saint bolts when Saint starts to run after him. "Mamaaaaaaa" he screams like a little girl as he runs away making saint stop chuckling loudly.

"Did you hear him squeal, then?" Saint looks back to me chuckling.

I look to my girl who is giggling away, but she also has her phone up recording what had just happened. "What're you doin', angel?" I ask her.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now