Chapter Thirty Six-Layla

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Eighteen hours and forty minutes it took us to fly from Liverpool to San Antonio, with a stop off. We check out and I'm absolutely knackered, let's just say that jetlag is a motherfucker of epic proportions.

But still, I'm excited to meet momma k, gathering our stuff from the conveyor belt I hear a commotion. "Here's momma" Colton mutters with a huge grin.

That's when I hear her. "Colton—Layla, yoo-hoo" I look to where the voice is coming from and there she is with who I'm assuming is saint as his arms are wrapped around her waist and he's grinning from ear to ear as she waves at us. "Over here" she cries.

She's a beautiful woman who looks like she's in her early fifties, Colton told me she adopted him when he was seven and he thought she was about forty, he laughed at the memory because Kathy took offence to it as she was in her late thirties at the time.

"Hey momma" Colton waves at her.

She squeals happily and launches herself in his arms he catches her with a loud chuckle. "Hey momma" he says softly.

"Oh, my sweet boy—I've missed you" she cries.

"I've missed you too, Momma" he says softly hugging her still.

They stay like that for a little longer until she pats his shoulders with a content sigh. "Let me finally meet this gorgeous girl that has brought the light back into my boys eyes" she grins looking at me as Colton lowers her to the floor.

"Kathy" I smile warmly at her.

She tuts at me. "Now what did I tell you? Call me momma" she scolds.

"Momma" I blush grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, come ere' sweet girl—come give momma a hug" she grins wrapping her arms around me and squeezes me tightly. "You have no idea how thankful I am of you for bringing that light back in his eyes, now I don't know what going to his momma's funeral's gonna do, but I know he's gonna need you" she tells me.

I nod. "I know" I whisper. "I'm not goin' anywhere, I love him" I tell her.

"I know" she grins at me letting me go.

"Er, Momma can I have my girl back now" Colton asks sarcastically.

"Nope, while you're ere you're have to learn to share" she grins smugly linking her arm with mine.

Colton scowls at his momma and looks to Saint, saint chuckles holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Don't look at me, son" he says shaking his head. "You know what your momma's like, you can't tell the woman shit—you gon' have to share" He laughs.

Colton grumbles to himself and Kathy tries to keep a straight face but fails miserably and chuckles whilst pulling me close. "Now, Don't start that" she laughs. "You've had her all to yourself for ages"

"Stop teasing the boy, woman" Saint growls playfully and looks at me with a warm gaze. "Hey darlin', nice to finally meet in the flesh" he grins and hugs me tightly before Colton comes over pulling me from saints embrace.

"Okay, Okay ole' man, you've got your own woman now—remember" Colton growls gesturing to Kathy.

I roll my eyes at my gorgeous man and wrap my arms around him, I feel his body relax instantly. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I am now" he says softly and kisses my forehead.

"Right guys, lets get you home—we've left your room how it was Colton and we've set up the guest room for Layla" Kathy says happily as saint wraps his arm around her waist guiding her out.

"Momma, I want Layla with me" Colton says softly.

Kathy stops abruptly and looks between us both then grins from ear to ear. "I told you" she sings looking at Saint smugly.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now