Chapter Eight-Layla

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"Oh my god Cat, we did it!!" I say excitedly. "We graduated uni!!" I squeal. "We are sooo going out tonight, babe," I say excitedly hugging my girl tightly.

I hear her chuckle in my ear as I hug her. "Well, the family wanna take me out for a celebratory meal first, but yeah, why not" She grins.

Fuck yes, after three long hard years in university, we've finally graduated with honours—best believe we're goin' out.

"Fuck yes!" I whoop excitedly. "I'll call you later girl, my family are swinging their arms above their heads trying to call me over," I say rolling my eyes. "later babe" I hug her again and run towards my family. "Woooo, I did it!!" I scream.

My mum, dad and my brother Lucas are all cheering for me as I run towards them. "Oh my god! I did it" I squeal as I leap into my dad's waiting arms.

He spins me around in a circle, his laughter loud in my ear. "I knew you could do it, Princess," dad says proudly. "I'm so proud of you, baby"

I hold on to my cap as he lowers me down to the floor, and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, daddy" I grin.

"Lemme at er' " mum squeals excitedly. "Oh my god, my little girl is all grown up—graduating university" she chokes. "I'm so very proud of you, my sweet girl"

"Thank you ma" I grin.

I look to our Luke who's got the biggest grin on his face. "Who'd of thought there was an actual brain underneath all those curls" he teases lifting my hair up like he's searching for my said brain.

I gasp in offence. "Cheeky fucker" I growl before I'm in his arms getting swung around once again.

"Stop" I squeal. But he doesn't he only chuckles. "I'll go sick all over ya!!" I warn.

Suddenly, my feet hit the ground and his arms wrap around me, steadying me when I hear Catherine's voice.

"LAYLA" Catherine shouts waving me over, I look to my parents and brother. "I won't be a second," I say apologetically and run back over to my girl.

Me and Catherine had gone to university to study the same course, I had grown up with Catherine and knew how important autism was in her family with holly. I knew what she wanted to do, so I told her I'd be doing the same. I love their holly, she's come on so much in all the years I've known her. She's just amazing.

I approach Catherine and her family. "Hey what's up?" I ask her. "Hey everyone," I say to everyone, not wanting to be rude.

"Congrats Layla," everyone says to me and I feel my self blushing furiously. "Thanks" I squeak.

Looking to Catherine who is stood next to her older sister Eva."What's up?"

Catherine looks to Eva with a huge grin on her face. "Tell her," She says to her.

Eva grins and looks to me. "I got a call from Michelle this morning, and she's offering you both a job at blue saints if you want it?" She says happily.

Shut the fuck up?!?

My eyes widen in shock and I squeal with excitement. "Shut UP!!" I shout. "Shut up Shut UP!!"

"Are you serious?" I ask Eva.

Eva nods happily. "Yup, you have your own titles too" she grins.

"We do" Me and Catherine ask her.

Eva nods excitedly. "Yup, you're both ASD specialist teaching assistants," she tells us. "The jobs are there if you want them" she adds.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now