Chapter Nineteen- Layla

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I'm at the shops getting my arse some Lucozade's, god knows I need a pick me up. I scan through the magazine's looking for something good to read when I see something that makes me look twice.

Craig Berkeley reunites with childhood sweetheart...

What The fuck?

Below is a picture of Craig and Rebecca. The bitch who made Catherine's school days a misery, this must of been what Catherine had walked in on at the pub where she found him at, his face is in her tits— god even though he slipped, the thought of him doing it still knocks me sick...

I read further and see the words that stun me to my core... The loss of our child nearly killed me—and then he left me to be with HER!

Fuck, I need to get to Catherine before she sees this, this'll destroy her. It can't be true, it can't be...

I leave the shops and haul arse to Catherine's house, once I arrive I don't bother knocking, I let myself in. "Catherine?" I shout running up the stairs. "Catherine, where are you, babe?" I shout as I barge into her room. She's sat on her bed with her hand over her mouth and looks at my face she's got tears in her eyes.

Fuck, she knows...

"You've seen it haven't you?" I ask her.

She nods and shows me the screen of her phone with the words I still can't get to grips with. He can't have, this is just a ploy—if she was pregnant she would have said something ages ago. She's just jealous of Catherine and what she and Craig have, she always has been.

"Get out of your head now Catherine, you know that girl has always been jealous of you ever since Craig laid eyes on you—that shit ain't true," I tell her.

"I know he couldn't stand her, he told me she was just there— he was with her before he got with me, but what if that's true? That she lost their baby and he left her for me?" She sobs as a tear drops down her cheek.

I hear more commotion then, stomping up the stairs. Amber and Eva storm through the door, like me, they see her expression and they know that she knows. "Don't you fucking believe a word that bitch is saying— she's only done it for the money" Amber growls at Catherine.

"Where're the kids?" Catherine asks

"Downstairs with mum and dad," Eva says. "Seriously Cat, don't listen to that shit until you've got all the facts— I made a mistake of jumping to conclusions when that Irish girl tried to say Justin knocked her up and left her" she adds as she sits down next to her on her bed.

"But what if it is true? What if she did lose their baby and Craig left her for me?" Catherine cries.

"Listen to yourself babe, why— if she was pregnant back then, why not say anything? Why only now?? Cos Craig would have said something, you know damn sure he would of. You know why she's doing it? For money and cos, she's jealous of you— that bitch has always been jealous of you, she's seen an opportunity to strike and she's took it" Amber says as she sits on the floor at Catherine's feet.

I sit at the opposite side of Catherine and hold her hand as does Eva, Amber is at her feet with her hand on Catherine's thigh.

My phone rings then, I take it out my pocket and look at the screen smiling brightly when I see my man's name. "It's Colton—" I say happily but I realise then my girl needs me. "I can call him back, it's okay," I tell her with a shrug, he'll understand.

Catherine shakes her head. "No, it's okay— answer it," she says with a small smile.

"Just don't mention anything about the shitstorm, if Marcus hasn't got hold of Craig yet— that'll probably be a good thing, we don't want anything to fuck up his first game," Amber says to me.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now