Chapter Seven-Colton

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"I'm just sayin' bruh, you had a lucky fuckin' escape from that bitch" Craig grimaces in disgust. "Swear down"

I chuckle as we leave Franky's restaurant carpark where Craig had just met Sonia Owen, the girl I used to fuck every time I need an itch scratched. I probably sound like a prick to people by saying it that way, but it's true. I used to have feelings for the girl when we first started out, but after so many times of catching her with other lads, I decided to keep what we had just sexual. Not that she minded, she was always fucking willing.

Anyway, she didn't see me when me and Craig entered the restaurant. Nah, her eyes were set on Craig, Craig was about to find this out as she stood getting off some fella's lap and sashayed over to us. "Hi, can't say I have seen you around ere before" she coos plastering her tits against Craig. "I'd of remembered seeing you"she purred licking her lips.

"Not interested, love," Craig says politely pushing her off him gently.

"Naw, you playin' hard to get?" She giggles. "That don't matter to me," she says getting in his space again. "I love the chase" she purrs in his ear.

"Nah, not playin' " Craig growls. "Just. Not. Interested!!" He says pushing her away gently again.

Her face drops as she looks at Craig in shock before her eyes lock on me. "Well, look who's come home" she purrs coming over to me nudging into Craig purposefully. "It's Colton Coleman" she smiles brightly.

There was a time when that smile knocked me on my knees, but now it makes me sick. "Sonia," I say flatly.

"I've missed you, baby" she pouts.

I snort-laugh as does Craig. "Sure, ya did sweet cheeks," Craig says sarcastically. "But wasn't you just rubbing your nasty fake tits all over me, just minutes ago?"

She sends a glare to Craig and looks back to me. "Me and Colt have history though, don't we baby?" She purrs and bites my fucking earlobe.

I push her off with a look of disgust. "Yeah, a history I'd rather forget" I growl. "Come on, Craig. I've lost my fuckin' appetite"

"Bruh, I lost mine the second her tits touched my arm" Craig shivers in disgust. "Am gonna need to stop by the shops to get me some anti-bacterial shit and an STD kit—fuck knows where her hands have been"

The restaurant echoes with laughter at Craig's remark. And Sonia's face goes as red as her fucking red lip gloss.

"How dare you!!" Sonia hisses. "You don't know me"

Craig looks at her and folds his arms. "Really?"

"Yeah" she growls mimicking Craig's stance. "Really"

"I'll bet you all the money in my wallet, that there is at least ten men in this restaurant that you've either fucked or done something sexually with," Craig says waving his wallet. "Come on, lads. Don't be shy" he coos.

I raise my hand, Cos obviously I have. Then suddenly a swarm of fella's hands raise in the air, a couple of which are with other women. Craig starts chuckling then. "Oh, Sonia, you have been a naughty girl." He says pointing to the woman who is sat in a booth with her hand raised.

Fucking hell! Really?

He shakes his head and pockets his wallet again."I rest my case" he chuckles.

Sonia's face reddens in embarrassment as she looks nervously around the room and looks back to Craig and me. "Are you gonna let him treat me like this Colton?" She hisses. "I love you"

Me and Craig laugh at her I love you comment. "Get to fuck" I chuckle using one of Craig's favourite sayings. "Did I say that right then?" I ask Craig.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now