Chapter Forty Nine- Colton (Unedited)

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"Everything okay, pop?" I ask saint as he sits down next to me handing me and Craig a beer.

"Yeah" he smiles. "My sister is back in my life, I'm marrying the love of my life" he grins. "I have a son" he adds. "Life is pretty good, right now, son"

"You have me, too" Craig grins. "You can't say anything negative man, we come with Colton—we're a package deal"

I smirk at my best friend who has become more like my brother in the three years that I've known him, I watch him as he stares at Saint with a serious expression.

Saint purses his lips in thought and takes a swig of his beer. "I suppose" he shrugs and looks to me, I can see the nervousness behind his eyes before he opens his mouth. "I suppose your momma told you?" He asks me but his gaze is on his beer bottle as he peels the label off.

I nod. "Not everything, though" I tell him.

"I can go inside if you need privacy?" Craig says pointing at the house.

"Nah, it's okay son, like you said, you're a package deal" saint chuckles and then sighs. "So what did your momma tell you?"

"About your dad, and your mom" I say sadly.

"You can say it, you know" he smiles sadly. "My papa killed my mama"

"I'm so sorry, pops" I say sadly.

"Yeah, I can't imagine what it must of been like for you" Craig says sadly.

Saint simply nods as he takes another pull of his beer. "I was thirteen when it happened, Elora was six, papa didn't work, just me and mama—I got a job in the crops field near my home and mama worked as a waitress." He tells us, taking a deep breath before continuing. "My dad was an abusive alcoholic"

My stomach dropped from those words, I don't know how I knew but I knew even before he opened his mouth, what he was going to say next. "I was beaten, mama too—thankfully, it never happened to Elora, as our neighbour Mrs Johnstone babysat her everyday while me and mama went to work" he tells us as he downs the rest of his beer.

"The day that it happened, I just got home from work, I worked my fuckin' ass off, and my boss gave me twenty dollars for that week, that wage was decent for a thirteen year old. "He tells us and scoffs. "Papa didn't think so though, he got angry, he was already beyond piss drunk—he was beating me, stepping on my head when my mama walked in, I didn't see much because my eyes were already swollen shut from the beating he just gave me.

She begged him to leave me alone, told him he was drunk, I think she tried to take the bottle of whiskey from him but he pushed her away smashing the bottle in the process, mama had hit her head on the corner of the skirting board hard" He croaks as he tells us what happened.

"Papa didn't even realise what he had done" he growls. "The bastard went out to buy some more booze because my whore of a mama smashed a good bottle of whiskey" he tells us, the anger I feel for saint for what has happened consumes me as I listen to him tell his story, I look to Craig and I'm pretty sure his face mirrors mine. "I tried to wake her, but the blood, god, there was so much blood on the floor, I didn't wanna believe she was gone—I didn't." He says wiping a stray tear from his face.

"Of course, Elora saw mama, I told her to run next door to get help from Mrs Johnstone—when Mrs johnstone and the emergency services we're called, papa came back swaying and shouting at mama asking her what's for supper. He couldn't fucking see straight Colton, he couldn't see until he knelt down and saw the blood" he says with shuddered breath.

"He didn't even realise what he'd did, until he saw the blood on his hands. Then he burst out crying, saying he was sorry, that he didn't mean it, that he loved her—he was begging for her to come back to him when it was him who took her from us" he laughs humourlessly. "He tried to touch me, tell me he didn't mean it— that touch, that touch beat me and mama up frequently, that touch, took my mama away from me and Elora" he tells us. "I told him I would never forgive him, for as long as I lived I wouldn't forgive him"

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now