Chapter Twenty Five-Layla

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It's been weeks since my birthday night out and I'm stood with Catherine as we get the kids snack ready whilst they're outside playing, poor thing isn't a bit well...

She sneezes a few times, each time she covers her face. "Bless you— Are you okay babe?" I ask her concernedly.

"I think it's my allergies—" she groans as she blows her nose.

She washes her hands and then starts chopping the fruit up.

Yeah, that's not allergies, babe...

"I don't think it's hayfever, Cat. You don't look too good babe— you're looking really pale," I tell her as I place the back of my hand on her forehead. I'm not joking either, she's paler than fucking Casper the ghost—Oh my god, She's fucking roasting...

"Jesus Cat, you're burning up," I tell her.

She looks at me confused. "I am? I feel bloody freezin'" She groans. "God, I was fine this morning, now all of sudden I feel like shit" she moans putting the knife down.

Nah, She's gonna have to see a doctor...

"You're gonna have to go the doctors babe, you can't stay at work like this— Tell you what, I'll ring the doctors up for you and I'll let Michelle know you're not coming back in cos you can't work like you are babe— you'll pass it on to one of the kids" I say with a sad smile.

"What about Corrine? I can't leave them short-staffed!" She panics.

"Calm down, Calm down— I'll sort it, don't worry... now I'll ring the doctors see if they can see you and then I'll ring Michelle, okay?" I tell her as I use the staff phone.

I watch her gather her belongs as I make an appointment for her and inform Michelle that Catherine is leaving work. "Right, dya reckon you can get to the doctors in half an hour?" I ask her. "I'll ring a cab for you, cos you're in no state to drive," I tell her as I pick up the staff phone again. Ain't no way lurch would have been okay with her driving either...

"Thanks, babe" she sighs. "What would I do with you eh?" She adds with a grin.

"Girl, you'll never have to find that out—stuck with me for life babe" I grin with a wink as I order her a cab to take her to the doctors.

I hear her respond with a snort-laugh.

Yeah, bitch knows she's got me for life...

"Right, that's your cab ordered babe— just go and wait for it outside, they said they've got one a few minutes away" I smile at her as she stands up. "Michelle's already given the O.K for you to go, so you're good to go—Let me know what they say, okay babe?" I say as we walk towards the classroom door.

"I will do—" she says with a sniff. "Speak to you later babe, love ya," She says as she walks away.

"Love ya too babe" I shout back as I go back into class.

"Aww, poor thing—I hope she feels better soon," Corrine says to me as I go back to getting the snacks ready for the kids.

"I know, she's asthmatic too so that can't be helping her either," I say to her. "Hopefully the doctor will help her out"

"Did Michelle say when we're getting a replacement?" Corrine asks me.

"Yeah, she's gonna send Sophie down from post sixteen," I say to her as I chop up the remaining fruit.

"Great, Okay, do you need any help here?" She asks me.

"Nah, am good," I say as I finish chopping the last banana and move on to the apples.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now