Chapter Two- Colton (Unedited)

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"Remember to call me the moment you get there" Momma K repeats for the tenth time since we woke up this morning.

"Yes, M'am" I grin as put my bag on the back of my bike.

I'm about to ride my motorcycle for four hours to Dallas to where the camp is. They offered to pay for my flights there, but I didn't wanna leave my bike behind.

"I mean it, Colton Coleman, don't you worry your mama by not callin' ya'ere?" She presses.

"I won't momma, I promise," I tell her. "I'll call you every day"

Well, I'll try and call every day...

Momma must see my worried expression because her gaze softens. "Just whenever you can, son, okay?" She asks me. "Even a quick text, will do" she adds.

"Okay, momma," I say as I wrap my arms around her.  "I'll miss you," I say kissing the top of her head.

"And I'll miss you, my boy," she says softly. "Now go on, go show them what my boy is made of" she grins shooing me.

"I'm going" I chuckle and mount my bike. "I'll call you when I get there, Okay? I love you, momma" I shout as I start my engine.

"I love you too, my sweet boy" mom shouts with a wave as I drive off.

My heart beats with a mixture of excitement, nerves and sadness as I leave the place that has been my home since I was eight years old. Excitement to prove myself, nerves as I move to a new place, new people—and sadness, because I'm leaving the one person who is the only one who showed me, love. I know I'll make her proud, I'll make something of myself and then when I do—I'll show her just how thankful I am for her love.

For hours I drive through the sweltering heat, stopping for more gas for my bike, toilet breaks and food. After the last stop off, I filled my bike with gas again one last time as the sat nav on my bike told me it's just thirty minutes from my destination.

I decide to get my phone out and text my mom.

Me: Hey momma, just checkin' in. Not too far away now, sat-nav has said it's just thirty minutes away. I've stopped to fill the tank up again, and get a drink. I'll call you once I get there and get settled in, I love you x

I pocket my phone and see a cab park at the next pump. Someone gets out the back of the cab, he's about my age with a face like a fuckin' sour puss. I hear him talk to the driver, but his accent tells me he ain't from around here, he sounds like a Brit. "I'm just gonna go get a bottle of water, I'll be back in a bit," he tells him.

The lad notices me watching him and frowns at me. "What the fuck is your problem? av I gotta telly on me ed?" He asks me, but the last part comes out all fucked.

What the fuck did he just say?

I frown even further as he walks up to me, glaring at me. "I. Said what's your fucking problem?" He growls slowly.

Fuckers got balls, I'll give him that...

"Nothin' pal" I grin. "I'll take it you're not from around these here parts?"

He does a girly squeal and puts his hands to his chest. "Like, Oh my god—What the fuck gave me away?" He rolls his eyes. "God, what's with people ere? They hear a different accent and go all fuckin' apeshit—fuck this, sooner I get to this football camp the fuckin' better" he growls and walks back to the taxi. "Be arsed with this shit" he grumbles as he gets in the back of the taxi.

Football camp?

"Hey—wait" I call out to him.

The Brit looks back to me in exasperation. "What?" He grumbles.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now