Chapter Forty Six- Layla (Unedited)

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It's been a week since little Asher was born, and he's now at his first football match about to watch his daddy and his uncles kick arse. He looks cute as hell  all decked out in his new Everton kit, bless him.

Anaya, Aidan, Tanner, TJ and Serena are all in matching football kits too with their names and their daddy's football number on the back.

We're watching the game from the family box that's reserved for the players' families, today Everton are playing against Chelsea. "How has he been with his feeds now?" Eva asks Catherine as she sits next to her holding little Serena, Amber has hold of Tanner.

Asher's coos bring Catherine out of her thoughts, and she looks down to him, who is the absolute double of his daddy. I can just tell they're gonna have their hands full when he's older.

**Z-Cars plays**

"Here we go" paddy booms excitedly.

I look down to see the Everton squad walking out next to the Chelsea team. "Look baby boy, there's daddy" I hear Catherine coo excitedly to Asher as she  stands up close to the window pointing at Craig.

Suddenly, catherine and asher appear on the big screen. "Oh!" She gasps with a huge grin on her face.

Craig has Catherine and Asher are wearing near identical football shirts, asher's got Craig's number on the back of his shirts. Whilst she, has the word Craig's and his number on the back. I, Of course have my man's name and number on the back of my shirt. I look down to see Colton already looking up at me, I wave and blow him a kiss, he catches it and puts his hands together forming a heart over his heart.

"I love you" I mouth to him mimicking his gesture.

"I bet you a hundred quid our Craig scores the first goal," Chris says to paddy.

"Dad, why don't you put a bet on the hills app you've got instead of with paddy?" Hayley chuckles rolling her eyes. "You'll probably get more money"

"That's a good idea, actually" Chris murmurs to himself. "Marcus," he says as Marcus enters the room, his eyes land on Hayley who has suddenly stood up and gone to the window standing next to me. "What are the current odds for our Craig to score the first goal?" Chris asks him.

"Are you okay, babe?" I ask her.

She looks at me in a daze. "What? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine—thanks" she says with a forced smile, I look back over to where Marcus is standing. "Depends who you bet with" Marcus replies to Chris but not once taking his eyes from Hayley.

I look to Chris and his gaze suddenly narrows as he looks from Marcus to Hayley. Paddy does the same and puts two and two together then starts laughing his arse off. "Oh, Chris, it seems our Marcus here has a thing for your Hayley, by the way he's staring at her," Paddy says happily.

I watch as Hayley's back stiffens in the corner of my eye and she turns to leave the room quickly avoiding eye contact with everybody, but Marcus's gaze follows her as she leaves the room shutting the door behind her.

"What's that all about Marcus?" Chris growls.

"Chris," Craig And Russ's mum, Catherine says softly from beside him.

"Nah, baby, this fucker has done something with my baby girl, I wanna know what?" he growls.

"No disrespect Christopher, but this is between me and Hayley," Marcus says seriously and turns to leave the room.

"Nah, Marcus, that's where you're wrong— the way I see it is that she is my daughter, my baby girl, and if you've done something to hurt her, which I'm assuming you have— considering the way she's just fucking left here so fucking fast the second you entered the room, I'd say that shit is my business" Chris growls. "If you've hurt my girl, I'll fucking end you— I couldn't give two fucks, the fact you're my boy's agent," he says standing from his chair.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now