Chapter Forty Four- Layla (Unedited)

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Serena Rose Berkeley, was born about two hours after Russ rushed Amber to the hospital, god, she's absolutely gorgeous, she has a slight colour to her skin like little TJ does—Oh, and a cute little mop of brown hair on her head.

She looks just like TJ did when he was born only dressed in pink, she weighed eight pounds and three ounces. Amber's labour was pretty quick considering Serena's only her second baby, poor Russ came out looking like he'd been in a tumble dryer. His hair was sticking up everywhere, his clothes were a mess, but he had the biggest grin on his face when he told us all that Serena was here. "My little princess is here" He choked. "And she's fucking beautiful, just like her mummy"

Eva had stayed with amber throughout the labour as she did with TJ, and apparently Catherine's midwife Helen, who was also amber's and Eva's midwife previously was their midwife again. When we went in to see Amber and the baby, she had been transferred to the women's ward. Eva was holding Serena, when we walked in, Catherine went straight over to amber and congratulated her before going over to Eva holding Serena and starts cooing at her. "Oh my god, she's beautiful you guys," Catherine squeaks quietly looking at Serena lovingly. "Can I hold her?" She asks Eva.

"Congrats babe, she's gorgeous" I tell amber. "You did good Russ" I tell russ giving him a hug.

"Nice one, tink" he grins from ear to ear.

We watch as Eva passes Serena over gently into Catherine's arms and Craig walks over to stand beside her. "What made you choose Serena?" He asks them.

Amber and Russ look at each other with so much love for one another, smiling from ear to ear. "Well, when we were looking through the baby name book. Serena kinda stood out to us, it means calm." Amber says looking lovingly at Serena in Catherine's arms.

"She's the calm to our storm, isn't she baby?" Russ croons sitting next to Amber on her bed.

"That she is babe," she says softly kissing his cheek.

"It's your turn next," Catherine says to Eva.

Eva and Amber discovered they were pregnant around the same time as each other, Eva's due date is in two weeks but she could go at any time, just like Amber did.

Serena had come a week earlier than her due date, but they reckon that it was due to Amber's blood pressure being high. That woman at the airport was the icing on the cake for her and kicked off her labour.

After spending time with Serena and everyone we make our way home. "I can't get over how cute Serena is—she's gonna be a little heartbreaker when she's older" I say as I look through the pics I took of Serena. I stop on the one of Colton holding her, the look on his face is priceless as Serena filled her nappy while he was holding her. The look of disgust on his face as the smell hit him was the pic that I took, I giggle to myself.

"She's got a smelly ass for a cute kid" Colton grimaces as he drives us home.

"I can't get over your face" I giggle as I look at his face.

I see him at the corner of my eye glancing between me and road. "What?" He asks me. "Tell me you didn't take a picture of me" he groans.

I nod gleefully. "You bet your fine arse, I did"

"Babe" he whines.

"Whaaaaa?" I ask innocently. "You look cute, babe" I tell him.

He grunts as he we pull into our road. "And I have to say" I purr. "Seeing you holding Serena, very sexy" I tell him. "So—hot"

He looks at me with a sexy grin. "Really?" He asks me.

"Mmhmm" I nod.

"Well, then" he says in a sultry tone as we park up. "How about we do something hot together, hmm?" He grins wiggling his eyebrows.

I giggle hiding my face behind my hands. "Oh, my god—that was cheesy, babe" I tell him.

"Did it work?" He purrs looking at me as if he wants to eat me.

He grins wickedly. "Oh, but I do wanna eat you" he growls as he licks his lips looking me up and down seductively.

I blush furiously. "Colton" I moan.

"Oh, Don't you worry, baby, I'll be having you screaming my name over and over tonight" he grins at me. "Now, move that fine ass of yours inside so I make good on my promise"

I squeal with excitement as I run ahead of Colton, I can hear him chuckling behind me as he sung.
"One, two—Colton's comin for you...
Three, four—get ready to scream more, more...
Five, Six—get ready to take my dick...
Seven, eight—we're gonna stay up late...
Nine, ten—you're gonna come again, and again."

I look back to him with an O expression. "Really?" I giggle. "Freddy Krueger?!"

He shrugs grinning his sexy smile. "I improvised, now, where were we?" He says as his sexy smile morphs into a wicked smile and he bends over throwing me over his shoulder. "We're meant to be doing something hot together" he says as we enter the building.

Entering the elevator he presses the button to our floor. "You can put me down now" I tell him as I wiggle on his shoulder.

He spanks my arse making me gasp and moan in shock and arousal. "Colton" I squeal making him chuckle darkly.

Suddenly the elevator dings and the doors open, I hear Colton pushing the key into our door and opens it. Walking in, he shuts the door and I'm suddenly flat against it, his body on mine as he takes my lips in a deep sensual kiss. "Strip" he growls against my lips.

I stare at him in a daze from his kiss and he smiles lovingly at me cupping my cheek. "Angel, Strip" he asks again.

I remove my T-shirt first, followed by my jeans, reaching behind me to unclasp my bra, I stop as he's staring at me, his eyes dark with lust. "Are you gonna join me?" I ask innocently as I unclasp my bra and cup my breasts in my hands waiting on my man to start stripping.

"Let go" He growls as he removes his T-shirt, his muscles contract as he looks at me, my mouth dries looking at his body that is pure perfection. "Angel, Let. GO" He growls.

I drop my hands letting my bra fall from my body and continue stripping as he does. I stop once again as I'm stood in just my lace thong and him his CK boxers.

Suddenly, he rips my thong from my body. "Seriously? I'm gonna have none left the way you're goin' " I cry.

"I'll buy you more, angel—now, kneel and suck my cock" he growls.

I instantly feel wetness touching my thighs from his words, licking my lips, I slowly kneel before him and pull his boxers down his legs, giggling as pre-cum hits my cheek as his cock springs from behind his boxers. He glides his thumb against my cheek catching the pre-cum and holds it in front of me. "Open" he says gruffly, being the good girl I am, I open my mouth letting him push his thumb into my mouth, the taste of him has me moaning. Sucking his thumb clean he removes his thumb from my mouth smiling down at me. "Plenty more where that came from, angel mine" he croons gesturing to his hard cock.

I laugh softly as I palm his shaft, stroking him gently before taking him deep inside my mouth. He hisses as he reaches the back of my throat, making me hum in delight then hollow my cheeks sucking him as bob my head up and down his shaft. "Jesus—fuck me, Christ, angel" he moans spurring me as I go faster.

I can hear his curses and moans as I reach down cupping his balls in my hand, massaging them gently. Suddenly jets of come spurt in my mouth and down my throat as I swallow every drop he's giving me. I can feel one of his balls lift as I continue to suck him off. "Fuck—Layla" he bellows as his legs begin to shake before he catches himself. "Fuck me—death by head, eh? Whatta way to go" he chuckles breathlessly.

I wipe around my lips then as I rise to my feet, I turn sashaying away from him to our room. Before I know it I'm lifted in his arms and thrown onto the bed. "My turn" he grins licking his lips as he kneels on the bed crawling towards me. "Let's see how many times I can make you come with my mouth until you can't take it no more" he says before he goes face deep in my pussy cutting off all train of thought.

I don't know how long he was down there for, but I'm pretty sure I came seven times before it become too much, or was it eight? I lost count before he was balls deep in my pussy riding me all night long...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now