Chapter Fifty Five- Layla (Unedited)

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I'm twelve weeks pregnant as of today and in just two days I'll be Mrs Layla Coleman.

I'm not showing much, just a slight bump of where our child is growing inside me. My tits though, god, my tits are huge, Colton's like a little kid in a sweet shop when he gets his hands on them. Did I mention how sensitive I am too? And horny, god—I'm horny, like all the time.

I'm currently perving at my hubby as he shaves, he's in nothing but a towel and my mouth dries at the sight of him. "Angel, you'd think I wasn't balls deep inside you minutes ago" he croons. "Are you aching for me again, baby?"

I nod slowly as he turns to face me. "You want my tongue or my cock, angel mine?" He says as he puts his razor down, not even finishing his face.

"You haven't finished shaving" I tell him.

His eyebrow lifts in question. "You really want me to finish shaving when I could be filling you up with my cock, fucking you deep?"

I whimper in need, my poor clit is aching like mad. "Touch me" I whimper.

"Where, baby?" He croons.

"Please, it aches" I whine.

"Here" he croons as he glides a finger through my soaked folds making him hiss. "Jesus baby, I've hardly touched you and you're soaking" he groans as he kneels before me. "Get on the bed and spread those gorgeous thighs for me angel, let me taste my sweetness"

I run to our bedroom and lash myself on our bed spreading my thighs so wide so fast. "Hurry, I need you" I whimper.

Suddenly he's naked as he enters the room, I almost choke on the perfection that he is, I can't believe he's mine.

He growls as his eyes find my pussy. "So fucking swollen and wet for me, don't you worry angel mine, I'll make the ache go away" He croons as he kneels on the bed between my thighs, not wasting anytime as his tongue starts flicking at my clit making me cry out in relief. "Oh, Yes! Right there" I cry grabbing him by his hair and grinding myself into his face.

He chuckles darkly as he plunges two fingers inside me slowly making him hiss. "Fuck, so tight, so wet" he groans and a moan of relief escapes my throat as his fingers work in and out of my pussy making it clench eagerly.

"Such a gorgeous, greedy pussy" he moans. "I love it" he says before adding a third finger, I throw my head back in ecstasy moaning loudly. "Ah, Oh, fuck" I pant as he licks and sucks at my pussy whilst fingering me, the sounds of my breathing and the wetness of my pussy is echoing around the room.

"So fucking wet for me" He growls. "I need inside you angel, I can't wait"

"Please" I beg him suddenly needing him inside filling me up.

"Ready, angel?" He says softly with his cock at my entrance.

"Hurry" I whimper in need.

He slowly pushes inside me and we moan in unison. "So fucking perfect" he groans.

"Babe" I whine. "Hurry up and fuck me"

"Hold on tight, angel" he grins wickedly lifting one of my legs over his shoulder opening me wider for him before he's fucking me, slowly at first, grinding his cock into me, brushing against my clit as he does.

"Baby" I purr. "Fuck me, I ain't gonna break, you know"

His eyes gleam from my words and he tosses my other leg over his other shoulder and fucks me hard and deep, just as I need it.

"Oh—Yes!!" I hiss in pleasure.

"You like that angel? Like it when I fuck you deep?" He growls circling his hips.

"Oh, fuck, yes" I pant as he continues his assault on my pussy.

Not even three thrusts later and I can already feel the build coming, that's when his thumbs finds my clit circling there. "Fuck, Colton" I pant.

"Oh, Yeah! My angel is gonna come for her man, give it to me angel mine, strangle my cock, soak me and milk my cock" he growls pistoning faster.

That's when I explode, white lights flash before my eyes as I cry out his name. "Fucking hell, so tight, so fucking wet, strangling my cock—Jesus fuck" Colton bellows in ecstasy coming inside me.

We're both a breathless, sweaty mess once we come down from our orgasms. Colton gently removes my legs from his shoulders and gently pulls himself from me. I mewl from the loss of him inside me as he lies down beside me, his hand going straight to my stomach where our baby is growing inside me. "I still can't believe you're gonna have my baby" he says softly.

I rise up onto my elbow and kiss his lips softly, resting my forehead against his. "I love you" I tell him.

"I love you, more" he says softly with a brilliant smile on his face.

"Not possible" I grin back at him.

He chuckles kissing my lips once more giving me a shy smile. "Let's just agree, to disagree, okay, Mrs. Coleman?"

I grin from ear to ear hearing my married name coming from his lips. "I'm not Mrs Coleman yet, you know" I tease.

"In less than forty-eight hours, you will be" He growls nipping at my bottom lip. "You'll be mine"

"I'm gonna guess that you know the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds too?" I tease.

He arches his eyebrow but I see a faint glow to his cheeks. "Oh, my god! You do?" I giggle as he groans in embarrassment. "Aww, Babe, That is soooo cute—I love you" I say kissing him softly.

"I love you, too, angel" he smiles at me.

I sigh happily hugging him closely as his arms wrap around me.

I wonder how long it actually is, till the wedding?!

We're quiet for a beat when he chuckles. "You wanna know don't you?" He asks me.

"So bad" I giggle sitting up.

He reaches for his phone, looking at the screen and shows me. "You have a countdown as your screensaver?!" I ask him.

He looks at me, then his phone again. "Yeah, but your face is behind the countdown" he tells me, showing me his phone again, and there I am, lying in bed asleep with nothing but a sheet wrapped around me.

I smile softly at my man. "You're amazing, you know that?" I tell him as I straddle his lap his cock already hardening between my legs.

"And in" He says, his voice heavy with desire looking at his phone once more. "Forty six hours, forty five minutes, and thirty two seconds, you, my gorgeous angel, will be my wife, mine forever"

"Forever" I say kissing him softly.

"Now, how about I remind you just how amazing I am with my cock" he growls grinning wickedly rolling us over making me giggle.

"Like I need a reminder" I purr opening my thighs to accommodate him and his huge cock.

"Good answer, baby" he growls. "But I'm gonna remind you anyway" he tells me before thrusting home where he spends the next couple of hours reminding me just how amazing he and his cock is.

I can't wait to be Mrs. Coleman...
Just to be his, not just by name...
But by heart...
And soul...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now