Chapter Sixty Eight- Layla (Unedited)

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It's the morning after, colton's body is wrapped around my own, the heat coming from him plus the dyer need to go the toilet is unreal. After sleeping for a few hours, we woke had some food delivered and made love some more. Although that was after he gave me a sexy version of the git up challenge after him seeing the video what amber had sent me of the magic mike men doing their own version...

He had deemed the video, unworthy of watching when I've got my very own cowboy who can dance better than the lot of them put together.

His words, not mine...

After putting the music on his phone, his naked body is grinding to the music, following the steps of the song to a T. Though he didn't need to show me this, his jealousy and possessiveness I loved, god the man fucked me within an inch of my life. Just remembering how he was when he was inside me sends tingles to my pussy.

"Do you think that any other man can possibly make me feel even a quarter of how you make me feel?" I suck his bottom lip into my mouth and lightly bite. "I only want your cock inside me" I say softly. Colton picks me up by the waist, carrying me toward the bed. "No other man comes within a mile of this pussy," he growls before throwing me down on the bed slamming his lips down on mine as he swiftly thrusts deep inside of me, claiming me, and branding me as his own, as if I weren't already marked by this man. His hands dive into my hair and grip hard, sending shots of pain throughout my scalp.

Oh, fuck, yes...

Arching my neck back, he slides out and slams back inside of me—hard and unforgiving, fucking deliciously perfect. "I'll fuck up anyone who even looks at you the wrong way," He murmurs as he shoves his face in my neck and sucks my skin, surely leaving marks. But I don't care. It feels too good to give a fuck about a little hickey. "You're the only man I want," I moan as my body climbs closer toward an explosion. "Fuck yeah, I am, Angel. You're mine, aren't you?" He mutters as his body continues his torturing pace; hard and ruthless; perfect and beautiful. "Yes," I cry, right before I tumble over and come—screaming yes over and over again. Colton falls over the edge soon after I do, but he doesn't move from above my body. Instead, he stays planted deep inside, careful not to press on to my stomach his lips caressing my neck. I love it. "I love this side of you" I giggle. "All possessive and growly" I purr.

His face lifts, his eyes coming to mine with a huge grin on his face. "Oh, yeah?" He croons kissing my nose.

"Mmhmm" I moan. "I love how possessive you are of me—even when it's only Cos of a video" I giggle.

"I don't give a rats ass if it's a video, a magazine or a fucking song, angel—you are mine, my woman, my wife, my body, my pussy—every fucking delicious inch of you is mine" he growls nipping at my bottom lip.

"All yours, I love you" I say softly.

"Love you more, angel mine" he croons. "Now, how about you straddle you're husband and ride his cock hard" he growls as he gently rolls us so I'm straddling him. "Jesus fucking Christ, you're so fucking beautiful, angel—touch your pretty tits for me" he growls.

I cup my breasts in the palm of my hands, squeezing them gently as I rock against my husband. "Fuck, you look so goddamned gorgeous, angel, so fucking sexy—pinch your nipples for me" he growls. Doing as  he asks me, I pinch my nipples, I put my fingers in my mouth wetting them before I circle my already hard as diamond nipples making me moan as the sensation sends tingles to my soaked pussy. "Fuck" Colton hisses.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now