Chapter Fifty Nine- Colton (Unedited)

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I've just arrived at the church and Craig's behind me singing. "He's goin to the chapel and he's—"

"Gonna get maaarried" Russ sings along with him.

"Fucking hell, there's two of em' " Saint groans.

"He's going to the chapel of looooooove" Craig and Russ sing in unison.

"Make em' stop" saint groans cupping his ears whilst mama is grinning from ear to ear clapping along to the song.

"Oh, god!" Amber groans with a grin. "I can't take you anywhere" she rolls her eyes at her husband and looks to me. "Hey, cowboy, you ready to make this shit permanent? Once you say I do, you adopt us all as association to Craig and Lay-Lay" she grins. "That means mama, Saint and Elora, too" she tells me. "Just one big happy family" she chuckles.

My throat thickens from her words. "I'm more than ready, Ma'am—I mean, Amber" I chuckle as I see her eyes narrow when I go to call her Ma'am, she's told me repeatedly to call her by her name.

"You flirtin' with my woman, Texas?" Russ growls playfully wrapping his around amber's waist.

"Don't see how that'll work when I'm about to marry the love of my life" I tell him with a shrug. "Scouse" I add.

He chuckles holding his hand out for me to shake. "Welcome to the madness, brother, you're alright" I take his hand and shake when suddenly I'm brought in for a hug.

"Thanks" I chuckle hugging him back.

I hear a sniffle to my side and I look to see my mama dabbing at her face. "You okay, mama?" I ask her.

She waves off my concern. "Oh, I'm just fine, sweet boy—I'm just being emotional, is all" she chuckles.

Amber walks over to her giving her a hug. "Welcome to the family, mama" she says softly and kisses mama's cheek giving her a hug and does the same to saint. "You too, Saint" she smiles at them both. "You're stuck with us now" she teases.

"Ya hear that saint?" Craig says with a teasing glint on his face. "You're stuck with us now" he adds throwing his arm over russ's shoulder who is grinning from ear to ear.

"Mr Saint" I hear a little voice say and there patting on Saints trouser leg is little TJ, Russ and amber's son.

"Yes, little man?" Saint coos bends down to TJ's height.

"I wanna be a police officer when I grow up" he tells saint. "So, I was wonderin' can you teach me to shoot a gun, to help take care of the bad guys?" He adds. "When I'm grown up that is"

I look to Russ who is looking at his son with a mixture of emotions. "Er, well, son—" Saint says lost for words, TJ's expression must give him the right words to say. "I'll tell you what, little man, you come back to me when you're say—same age Colton was, which was, what, sixteen when you learnt?" he says gesturing to me, I nod in response. "And—if you're still feeling the same, then we'll talk about it, okay?" He says softly.

TJ nods his head frantically and throws himself at saint wrapping his arms around saints neck, catching him off guard but he grins wrapping his arms around TJ. "Thankyou, Mr Saint" TJ says softly.

Amber and Russ are currently staring at the pair with a stunned expression. "I thought TJ wanted to play football?!" Craig whispers to Russ in confusion.

"So did I, bro" Russ says softly.

"He's still young" I whisper. "This is probably just a phase for him" I tell them.

"Yeah" Russ says softly as he watches saint and TJ talking.

Suddenly there is a phone alert and Craig takes out his phone smiling from ear to ear, no doubt Catherine's just sent him a message. "Catherine's just texted, they're on their way" He says and looks to me. "Let's get you inside, eh, before we see the bride"

My heart leaps in excitement, knowing my love is on her way, we're nearly there.

We start to walk in and Anaya—Eva and Justin's daughter runs up to TJ, sassy as ever taking him by the hand and pulls him away with her. "Come on TJ, we get to walk down the aisle together" she grins at him.

TJ looks back to saint, almost apologetically but he just shrugs with a grin and let's her take him with her. "That there is so damn sweet" mama coos.

Once we enter inside, father Lee is already waiting at the altar. Ahead Anaya and TJ are walking down the aisle together and Father Lee is grinning from ear to ear at them. "I'm afraid you're a little too young to get married right now young lady, but I'll tell you what" he tells her. "I'll give you both a blessing in the eyes of god—" he says doing the sign of the cross over their heads.

Anaya gasps. "That means were married, TJ" Anaya cries happily bouncing up and down making father Lee look at them in horror.

TJ looks to Anaya with the biggest grin on his face, as he leans in and kisses her on the cheek. "Oh, my god" Amber cries quietly. "Look at our babies, you guys"

We can practically hear Anaya's gasp from here as she cups her cheek that TJ has just kissed and leaps at him hugging him around the neck making him chuckle. "I love you, TJ"

We watch as his eyes close in content, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close. "I love you, too, Nay-Nay" he says softly.

"That right there, is the sweetest thing I have ever seen" mama coos.

"Married at the age of ten" Russ chuckles shaking his head.

"Nay-Nay, you can't get married" Aidan says suddenly appearing from behind his dad running towards his twin. "We're only ten years old"

"I can, and now I can kiss TJ whenever I want to" she grins from ear to ear.

"Oh, my god—it's like something straight outta that film, sweet home Alabama" Amber And Eva cry.

"No, you can't you gotta be older like mum and da was" aidan tells his sister smugly.

"You shut up, you, TJ is mine— we got married" she snarls at her twin. "And we gets married again when were older, can't we TJ?" she asks TJ.

TJ doesn't say anything, he just grins from ear to ear nodding excitedly.

Aidan shakes his head at TJ. "You're whipped" he tells him before walking away.

"Baby, you're gonna have to tell her—" Justin tells Eva in his heavy Irish accent. "They're ten"

"I'll talk to her later" Eva says softly not taking her eyes from her daughter and TJ. "Besides, you know it's gonna happen eventually"

"Baby—they're ten, wait till puberty starts, that'll all change" he grumbles.

"Are you trying to say my TJ won't be able to keep it in his pants?" Amber growls quietly.

"Amber, babe, no disrespect, but look who his dad is" he grumbles gesturing to Russ who is currently chuckling waving his hand in front of him like he's spanking something making Craig laugh.

Amber coughs quietly gaining Russ and Craig's attention and glares at them making them stop what they're doing and look sheepishly at amber. "Sorry, baby" Russ coos.

"Sorry, Amber" Craig says innocently making me snort laugh, her glare comes to me then. Oh, shit...

"Keep laughing, cowboy, you could be having a boy—then all of this" she says gesturing to TJ and Anaya holding hands. "Could be yours and Craig's kid" she says happily making mama and saint chuckle.

That'll be weird...

"Here she is..." paddy announces suddenly.

My face morphs into the biggest grin as Craig and Saint stand by my side at the altar, mama gives me a kiss to the cheek. "I love you, my sweet boy"

"I love you, too, mama" I tell her as my heart beats erratically with excitement.

She's here, my love is here...
The start of forever, begins today...
She is mine, and I am hers, from now on till forever...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now