Chapter Twenty Three-Layla

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I text my girl telling her we're on our way, Colton has his arms wrapped around my waist nuzzling my neck. "Did you let Catherine know we're on our way?" He asks me as he kisses my bare shoulder.

"Yeah, just" I reply smiling up at him. "I still can't believe you got us a limo," I say shaking my head.

"I told you, angel" he grins at me. "Only the best for my girl," he says with a kiss to the tip of my nose.

Colton opens one of the bottles of champagne filling two flutes and hands me one. "Happy Birthday to my beautiful angel—here's to new memories," he says softly.

"New memories" I smile as I clink my glass to his.

"I love you, angel mine," he says as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I love you too"

"Excuse me, sir," the driver says through the speaker. "We're here"

Colton kisses my nose again and drinks the rest of his champagne, I get my phone out and text Catherine that we're outside. The door to the limo opens and Colton gets out first holding his hands out for me to take.

We see Catherine and everyone exit the building, Colton is stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. Catherine looks at me with a look that says 'that ain't red' red is normally my go-to colour or as Catherine calls it my signature colour.

"I fancied a change," I say with a shrug, when really the dress and it's colour stood out to me, especially with Colton calling me his angel...

Catherine looks to Colton with a warm smile, my man looks fucking gorgeous— he's wearing black jeans and a long-sleeved Armani shirt—he smiles brightly at Catherine. "You look beautiful cat," he says kissing her cheek, I see him whispering something in her ear and hugs her. Colton's right, my girl looks amazing—she's wearing her signature colour, which is green. It's an emerald green wrap-effect dress that stops about two inches above her knees, She's wearing bronze coloured high heels and has a bronze clutch with accessories to match.

Just then Craig comes over

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Just then Craig comes over. "Will you fuckers keep your fucking paws off my woman, you've got your fucking own" Craig growls taking her from Colton's arms and kisses her.

Colton laughs then, his laughter booms through the car park as his arms wrap around me once again, I look up to him with a big smile. Jesus, he's gorgeous—and all MINE!!

"God, his laugh is just a beautiful as his face" I hear Amber sigh dreamily making Colton blush furiously whilst smiling awkwardly, his expression makes me giggle which makes him look down at me with a look of pure adoration and love.

"Woman, do I really need to show you who you belong to again?" I hear Russ growl to her.

"Later, big boy" Amber purrs and sashays over to the limo giving me a cheeky wink.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now