Chapter Twenty Seven- Colton

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"I'll be waiting" I growl, smiling widely as I hear her breath hitches as I hang up. I chuckle to myself as I stand in her apartment, my cock hard as fucking ever. Fuck, it's been hard since I switched my phone on and saw her picture. She's my little minx, I've found myself smiling more than I have in my whole life. Even Momma K said the same to me on one of our daily FaceTimes, she says the darkness in my eyes has gone brighter. Layla makes my days feel brighter, and the fact she loves me for me, the fact that someone loves me means everything.

I don't know how long I'm lost inside my head when suddenly I hear the door open and close, I walk to the doorway of the hallway where I know my angel is now standing, nervously no doubt. And there she stands biting on her luscious lip. "Strip" I growl.

"What?" She gasps.

I walk towards her. "Strip, angel now"

She giggles nervously. "Seriously?"

"You were a naughty girl, angel" I croon walking slowly towards her. "You need to be punished, so strip. Now!!"

She strips off her clothing, leaving her in her white lace bra and panties. God, she's so fucking beautiful and perfect...

I squeeze my cock and beckon her to come closer with my finger. "Kneel"

She smiles at me and kneels before me. "Take my cock out" I growl.

She pulls my joggers down, then my boxers and grasps my cock in her hand. I watch her lick her lips at the sight of my hard cock as it leaks with pre-cum, she looks at me as if she's starved for me. "Are you hungry, angel?" I growl.

"Famished" she purrs.

"Open your pretty mouth for me, angel mine" I croon as I stroke her cheek. "Take me in your mouth, show your man how starved you are for my cock"

Layla takes my cock into her hot, wet mouth sucking at the tip making me hiss before taking me all the down to near the base of my cock.

"Fuck" I hiss as glide my fingers through the gorgeous curls of her hair. "That's it, angel, suck it, take me deep" I groan.

She moans in response and rubs her thighs together as she sucks me off like her favourite lollipop until I start to feel that familiar tingle at the base of my spine. "Angel" I coo waiting for her beautiful expressive eyes to find mine, once her eyes find mine  I smile at her. "Stand up, baby"

"But you didn't finish" she pouts.

I chuckle. "I don't wanna come to your pretty mouth tonight"

I walk her backwards towards her bedroom until the back of her knees. "Turn and face the bed, angel"

She does as I ask instantly, that makes me smile. "Bend over for me, and spread your legs"

She looks back at me confused but does what I ask of her, her gorgeous ass is on display in a white lace thong. "Now, I'm gonna spank your ass ten times as punishment," I tell her calmly. "And then I'm gonna fuck you so hard, so deep that you'll think I'm coming through your mouth, okay?"

"O—okay" she stutters. "But, Colton—"

"What's wrong, angel mine?" I ask her concernedly.

If she doesn't want me to spank her, I won't—I won't hurt her...ever!!

"Can you fuck and spank me?" She asks innocently but her face, ohhhhh her face as she looks at me biting her lip trying to hide her smile.

I growl as I pull down her panties and unclasp her bra, I take a nip of her ass cheek making her squeak in surprise. I take the base of my cock and thrust it home—so fucking perfect.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now