Chapter Sixty-Layla (Unedited)

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"Well, we're here, Princess" Dad sighs heavily and looks at me. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married and having a baby of her own" he says shaking his head. "When did you grow up so fast?" he says softly.

"Dad" I whine.

"Okay, Okay—lets get you married" he says and opens the car door getting out he holds his hand out for me.

There stood close is our photographer Lisa, she captured Catherine and Craig's day and as a family friend she offered to shoot our day also. She's like that waiter dude from Mr Deeds, you don't see him till the last second, scaring the shit out of you. But she's been around all morning at my house, though I haven't seen her, I just hope our Lucas has stayed away from her.

Not that Lisa would want anything to do with him anyway, she's happily in love with her boyfriend.

"Lay-Lay" Catherine said as she come up beside my dad and me with carmen and Annette in tow. "You ready babe? Apparently your man is pacing the aisle waiting for you" she chuckles.

I grin at my girl, and look at my dad who holds his arm out for me. "Come on then, Princess—lets not keep him waiting much longer, eh?" He chuckles.

Mum walked ahead holding Asher's hand followed by Carmen and Annette. "Tum on, pretty wadies, you gots ta walk down da eye wid me" Asher grins with a wink at carmen and Annette.

"He is too cute" Carmen coos at Catherine.

"He's too much like his daddy" I chuckle.

"God, help you both, when he's older" dad chuckles.

Catherine groans with a grin. "Don't I know it" she chuckles. "He's a lot like his daddy, but just like his daddy, he just needs a good woman to keep him grounded"

"Well, he's got plenty of time to find her—he's only five" I chuckle.

"Sometimes it's easy to forget, he acts as though he's in his teens" Catherine chuckles.

"Shall we get me inside before my husband comes stomping outside wondering where I am" I ask my dad and Catherine.

Dad sighs sadly again. "Come on then, Princess" holding his hand out for me to hold.

Taking my hand in his we walk up the steep steps of the church to the opened doors. I could already hear a melody being played as carmen, Annette and Asher walk down the aisle, I can see Asher pointing to people in the pews, giving them chin lifts making people chuckle as he sits down next to Ava. Catherine looks back to me with a bright smile and winks at me. "See you down there babe, I love you" she says softly before she walks slowly down the aisle, Craig eyes are locked on her as his face lights up, I see his lips pucker up as he blows her a kiss when she stands in her maid of honour spot grinning from ear to ear.

The wedding march starts to play on the piano, making my heart beat double time but my gaze is on my man who's eyes are on mine. As I get halfway I notice he has tears in his eyes but a huge smile is on his face, he's not ashamed of his tears though as they fall down his cheeks, his eyes shine with pure love for me as I get closer. "I love you" I mouth to him.

His eyes close then like he's soaking my words into his very soul, they open then and he smiles once more. "I love you, angel" he mouths back to me.

I get to the steps of the altar and Colton comes down to me. "Angel—you look" He says speechless shaking his head.

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now