Chapter Fifty Four- Colton (Unedited)

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After I fuck my girl seven ways to Sunday after finding out my baby is growing inside her, we decide to call my mama and pops to tell them the news. "I'm sorry, y'all are what now?" Mama cries in shocked happiness.

"We're pregnant" me and my girl laugh.

"Oh, my god! Saint, did you hear that?" Mama cries happily. "We're gonna be grandparents, aaaaaaaah!!!" She squeals.

"I heard, baby, calm ya ass down, will ya?" saint chuckles kissing her neck. "Congrats to you both" saint says to us smiling widely.

"That's not all though, guys" I grin.

"Oh, my lord—" Mama cries. "It's twins isn't it?"

Layla choke laughs holding her stomach but goes pale. I chuckle at my girl's expression as I face the camera again. "Nope, we're getting married" I crow.

"Well, duh! You have to get married if y'all having a baby" mama rolls her eyes at us.

"No, I mean" I say before I mutter. "Fuck, it" under my breath. "It's gonna be soon, so are y'all okay to fly over?" I ask them. "I'll pay, of course" I tell them.

They look at each other with secretive smiles, I look to Layla who is just as confused as I am. "What?" I ask.

"Well, we were gonna surprise y'all" mama says happily.

I frown confused. "We're moving to the UK" mama cries.

Layla gasps happily as do I. "Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief.

Mama nods crying now. "We wanna be near our boy and our girl" she says gesturing to Layla. "Besides, there ain't nothing keeping us here now, not when y'all are there"

"What about Elora?" I ask them looking at Saint.

"Oh, she's coming with us" saint grins happily. "New start an all that"

"Y'all are serious?" I say excitedly.

"Deadly" mama cries. "Saint pulled some strings with his friends in the UK police force and they've got an opening for him"

"Oh, my god—my dad and my brother work for the police" Layla grins happily. "Well, daddy's retired now, like, but our Lucas still works there"

Saint chuckles. "Well, it looks like you have another relative on the force"

"I can't believe this" I whisper. "Y'all are moving here?"

"Yup" mama grins. "We already started the process, we've got our green cards, Elora has a job working at a bridal shop in the city centre so she's sorted, it's just a new home for us that we need"

"I'll sort that" I blurt.

"Colton, sweetie—you don't need" mama says softly before I cut her off.

"Please, mama, let me do this for you" I beg her. "Pops?"

I see saint sigh. "Woman, you know our boy is gon' go against our wishes anyways" he tells mama as I fight off a grin.

"True" she grimaces and her eyes soften as she looks at my girls smiling face and back to me. "I'm so happy for you both"

"Thanks, mama" I say softly.

"So, how long have we got?" She asks us. "If you're anything like your daddy, it would be today" she teases nudging saint gently.

She's right, I would, but I want my girl to have a wedding she wants...

I look to Layla and smiles knowingly. "What do you say angel? Bout a month?" I ask her and her mouth falls open in shock. "Two? Three?" I add earning a chuckle from my mama and pops.

"You can't plan a wedding in a month, Colton" she admonishes me. "Besides we don't even know how far along we are, exactly" she says holding her still flat stomach.

"We can go that place where Craig and cat went with Asher, today if you want?!" I tell her excitedly.

She giggles. "I think you have to have an appointment, and I'm pretty sure we have to see a doctor too"

"Well, your doctors have just started doing weekend appointments haven't they? We'll go today and then go to the scan place" I tell her seriously.

She giggles softly making me smile from ear to ear, when I hear a sniffle coming from the phone. I look back to the screen and saint has his arms wrapped around mama as she looks at us with a smile and tears falling down her face. "You okay, mama?" I ask her.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you my sweet, sweet boy" she cries. "I'm so happy for you both"

"Okay, woman, calm the water works down before you end up dehydrated" saint chuckles.

"Oh, shut up you, can't an old woman be happy for her son?" She glares playfully at her husband.

He chuckles kissing her forehead, my heart warms at the sight and I look toward my girl who is looking at my parents with the same warm expression. "Mama, pops we're gonna go so we can see if we can get an appointment with Layla's doctor and the scan booked, in the mean time though I'll ask Marcus to keep an eye out for a bungalow or some land so we can build from scratch" I tell them.

Come to think of it, I'll have to talk to him about finding us a place before the baby is born...

"We'll ask him to look for a place for us too, Angel" I tell Layla. "What do you think?"

She nods with a smile. "Yeah, Oh, I believe there is one a few doors down from Craig and Catherine's house for sale, what do you think?" She asks me excitedly.

I grin at my girls excitement and kiss her forehead. "We'll call him, baby"

I look back toward the screen and mama and pops are both looking at us with a warm expression. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a granny" she cries happily. "We'll let you know once we get everything sorted but keep us posted about the baby and everything" she says excitedly.

"We will" me and my girl smile in unison.

We say our goodbyes, to mama and saint promising mama again to keep her posted about the baby.

"They're coming here" my girl grins.

I look at my beautiful fiancée's smile and my heart soars with happiness, everything feels right, my heart and soul feel full and complete now that I have everything I could of ever dreamed of.

"What's wrong?"she asks worriedly.

"Nothings wrong, angel mine" I say softly kissing her forehead and push her gently so she lies back down on the bed. "Nothing could be wrong, when everything feels so right" I tell her before removing my T-shirt revealing her naked body to me once again and make love to her slowly worshipping her and her body that carries our child.

My everything, my all...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now