Chapter Ten-Colton

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An hour later we arrive at Club Circo, we approach the doors where there is a tall stocky man stood in the doorway. His eyes look at us and widen once he sees Craig and I walking towards him, then he grins knowingly."Well, if it isn't little Berke, how you doing twerp?" He teases as he claps hands with Craig and brings him in for a man hug.

"There ain't nothing little about me col" Craig chuckles grasping his dick. "Am doing good man, back for good now?" he tells him.

Colin's eyes seem to light up at Craig's statement. He must know the meaning behind it.

"Well fuck man, that's good to hear—you come for your girl too?" He asks Craig with knowing grin.

Craig tries to look like he ain't assed that his girl is inside this place, but we know better. I come forward standing closer to Craig. "Yeah, he's here for his girl, you seen her?" I ask Colin.

Colin looks confused looking at Me to Craig, Craig rolls his eyes and introduces me to Colin.

"Colin, Colton, Colton—Meet Colin" Craig gestures between us.

Colin comes closer and shakes my hand. "So you've been signed too then?" He asks me. "Where you from, son?" He adds.

I don't know why but telling him about me riles me up. "Texas-born and raised," I say.

Raised, is laughing matter considering I was dragged up until Momma K took me in...

Colin doesn't seem to pick up on the fact, so he carries on. "Well, I'll be damned!" He chuckles and slaps his leg. "We gone an got us a real cowboy here everyone" he shouts to the people in the line.

what the fucks this fool playing at?

Colin chuckles even more. "You ride a bull or someshit," he asks me in wonder.

What the fucks that got to do with anything?!

"Fuck, I'll let him ride me" we hear a woman holla from the line up followed with catcalls. "He finer than a motherfucker, let me at em' " she whoops.

Well, she sounds—friendly...

I laugh looking towards where the woman shouted and nod my head like I've still got my hat on. "Why Thankyou, M'am," I say with a bow and look back to Colin. "As for riding bulls and some shit—I did a little cattle herding as a job until I got into the same football camp Craig was..." I tell him lifting my eyebrows as if to say. Anything else...

Craig must be getting pissed off, Cos I hear him grumble underneath his breath. "Hey col, my man—any chance I can get in there?" He asks gesturing to inside the club.

Colin nods. "Sure man, don't forget to hook me up with tickets to your next game," he says. "Your Russ is a stingy bastard" he chuckles.

"Sure man" Craig nods with a grin and Colin moves the rope to let us in.

"Go on, go get your girl" he grins knowingly at Craig. "She's probably on the dancefloor" he hollers as we step inside. Craig chuckles, waving him off as we walk further into the club. We walk up to the bar that's next to the dancefloor and order us both a bottle of corona. We look to the dancefloor which heaving with men and women grinding on each other to the music.

Craig starts to sing along to the song that's playing which I think is one of his faves kid ink ft ty dolla sign. I'm nodding my head to the music scanning the place when my eyes find the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my life, I watch her body move to the song her smile brightens up the dance floor and my heart starts to beat frantically. God, she's so fucking sexy...

Colton & His Angel (Book One Of The "And His" Series) (Un-Edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now