BNHA2:PR! Smile, The worst is yet to come

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_I don't know where to start, honestly. But since I'm hella lazy, I'll start after the USJ incident._

You let out a sigh, your spoon and fork cluttering loudly against the bowl you slowly ate from. You were feeling troubled, your eyes wondering to the TV that displayed the News playing infront of her.

A group of villains had just attacked a class of freshmen students who were in USJ recently. Of course, the people of Japan were obviously rattled by the events, wondering how that could be possible, seeing as UA was one of the topnotch hero training school that housed strong pro heroes, the strongest one of them all being All Might.

It made your blood boil thinking about it, you knew that the villains were slowly rising from their seats, finally making a move in so long ever since All for One had apparently been defeated by the blond smiling hero, himself.

You didn't know why but a feeling inside her stirred, Anger? Fear? Hatred? Or maybe even a mix of all those, just put into one big guilt feeling. That, or the coffee you took was now taking it's toll on your body.

A loud ding resonated inside your quaint little home and your attention was brought to the door, your head snapping in that direction in an instant.

You tensed, nobody usually visisted you this late at night, and put your guard up, activating one of your quirks in preparation.

Half your body blazed into flames, the blue light radiating so much heat that a nearby piece of paper got caught up into the fire. On the other side of your body, vines entangled around your arms, ready to bind whoever threatened you.

You crept towards the door, pacing slowly and stopping just a few feet, your hand out and reaching for the doorknob. You slightly flinched when the slit for the mail opened, a small white envelope dropping to your wooden polished floor.

You looked at it in curiousity, one of your vines wrapping itself around the envelope cautiously. At your will, the plant shook the object, a small disk plopping out to the floor with a small thud.

It glowed bright blue before a hologram appeared, showing none other than your uncle. Your shoulders dropped and you relaxed, the flames slowly dying out while the vines retreated back in an instant.

"Hey Y/N," The blackette let out a loose and tiny barely visible smile, his upper body wrapped in bandages, covering his face and his arms to the brim.

"Shota?" You questioned, obviously confused as to why he was covered head to toe in bandages before realization dawned on you like a slap in the face.
"Omygod! Shota! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine," Grumbled Aizawa, annoyed by the question asked multiple times by numerous different people. "And so are you, good. Now that the villains are rising, I can't help but worry-"

"I can protect myself, you know," You let a frown make its way to your face, indian squatting on the floor as your brows furrowed together. Was this man doubting your skill? Not possible, he knew how perfectly well you were in combat, having trained you himself.

"I know you can but it's hard not to worry when I can't look out for you," The black haired male let out, his own brows now scrunched together even though his niece couldn't see for herself ."Which is why, after asking the permission of the principal, you are given a recommendation to attend UA."

You gawked, your jaw dropping as your eyes opened wide. You couldn't believe it, was this guy serious?
"No way, how'd you manage to convince them?"

"It wasn't as hard as I thought it would have been, honestly," The man did a gesture in what you could only assume was a shrug and you patiently waited for him to continue." We've been taking care of you ever since you were a small child, especially Midnight and I, along with Mic and Ectoplasm occasionally, and they already know what you're capable off. Principal Nezu agreed easily and was actually quite happy."

"So are you basically saying I've been given a recommendation from like 4 teachers from UA plus the principal?"

Aizawa nodded his head, humming, he let out a chuckle due to the awestruck face that yoi gave him,"Basically, yeah. You'll go to school starting tomorrow. Your uniform is inside the envelope, put it in hot water and it will grow back in the size meant to fit you. You're in my class by the way."

You beamed, a wide smile coming on to your face. You nodded your head, quite eager for the upcoming day and what'll happen.
"Thanks Shota! I'll see you in school tomorrow, bye!"

The pro hero gave one last final nod before the hologram disappeared, leaving a plain and boring small disk on the floor. Grabbing the envelope, you shook it once more, small uniforms falling onto your hands.

Doing as what your uncle had instructed you to do, you went to your modest bathroom and quickly filled the tub with hot water where you dropped the miniature clothes into the clear liquid.

Once you were done, you stood up and brushed the imaginary dust out of your hands, heading to your slightly clean room where you prepared for the day you were going to have tomorrow.

Combing your hair, you faced the lit up mirror, your own reflection staring back at you.

H/C silky yet stubborn hair, E/C warm eyes that held hidden secrets within, and plump cherry red lips. You let out a pained sigh, picking up a framed picture of your family who seemed so happy in the photograph.

Your mother and father, your big brother, who could have passed as your twin except boy version, and of course, you. A smaller, tinier version of your current self, smiling widely at the camera, obvious joy present on your innocent and young face.

You compared the young Y/N to your present self, you've been through a lot but not much had changed. Well maybe except your pretty face was now slightly mature, your eyes holding a sort of melancholy look, and most significantly, the missing happiness that used to always be there.

"No," You thought, mentally slapping yourself in the cheek. "Don't let the nostalgia flood in. The past is in the past but."

Your eyes unconsciously wandered back to the picture of your family. Lifting your calloused hands, you touched the picture, entranced by the memories that replayed in your head. A small drop of tear fell from your left eye and onto the smooth glass surface.
"But... I miss the past."

|| Smile by Mikky Ekko||
This... idk what to say, honestly. Created this book for the sole purpose of my friend, who does not want to be named,  could enjoy their imagination running wild in a book about her fav. characters.
Meanwhile, I'm having fun too so it's fine. Knock yourself out, like, comment, share!!

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