BNHA 64: PR!! Hey boy, watchu say boy, you trying to play coy

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Im changing te amo to mi amore

The week passed by in a flash and now it was Saturday. Periodt that's the tea.

Anyways, you happened to be walking by yourself in one of the school's long hallways, finding your way through the grounds and heading towards the pool where you and your gal pals were supposed to meet up. As far as you can tell, You were the latest one that was yet to arrive, having woke up late after binge watching the whole night. You awoke not only to your alarm blarring and the constant numerous dings of messages that strung through your phone from your friends, but you also awoke to one of Aizawa's cats that sat on your face, rendering you from breathing.

You shuddered, trying to forget that feeling of being squished under the cat's ass like it weren't a 7 pound animal that decided to use your face, out of all places, as a chair.

Back to the story, too wrapped in your thoughts, you forgot to look at the path before you, running into a certain purple haired male, whose arm snaking around your waist to prevent you from falling.
"Woah, easy there Mi amore. Can't have you falling for me already when we went out just once."

Pink dusted your cheeks and you pushed him away, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly.
"Shuddup, lavender boy!"
Shinso chuckled, covering his mouth with the back of his hand as you fumed infront of him for a while, finding you quite adorable when you got flustered like that. He crossed his arms, leaning his weight to one leg with his head tilted slightly to the side.
"So what brings you to school on a weekend, Mi amore?"

"I'm going swimming!" You proudly huffed, puffing out your chest to assert dominance. Shinso chuckled, ruffling your hair in a slightly affectionate way, "That's great. Have fun then, Mi amore."
"Yes sir," Jokingly raising your hand to level your eyebrow, you saluted him, giving him your most serious face for a second or two. Once you were done, you dropped your hand and leaned into him, poking his chest with a finger and squinting your eyes slightly.
"What're you doing here, Lavender boy?"

"Easy," Shinso blew a raspberry, swatting your finger away with a hand. "I come here every weekday to train with your dad."
"Oh," Your mouth formed into an 'O.' "But that dedication though, noice. Can't wait to spar with you then soon."
"You're on," The purple haired male snorted, nodding his head smally to your challenge. He then pointed at his neck, where some sort of mask made of metal hung around. "I also came for this."

Dual headpieces were attached to the sides like some kind of headphones and the front looked somewhat like a microphone. "It's artificial voical chords. Still a prototype but it's supposed to give me an edge over my opponents, it changes my voice to match someone else. So in a way, brainwashing would be easier for me if they respond to the voice they think is their teammate. You understand me?"

"Duh bitch! That's so cool! All the more you'll make it into the hero course!" You hollered, eyes sparkling with amazement. Shinso blushed, staring at the big goofy grin on your face. You always did have some kind of effect on him, unbeknownst to you, just the thought of you made his heart beat right outta his chest. He sighed happily, greatful for the godsend gift of you.
He bit his lip slightly, eyes staring straight into your very own ones. He opened his mouth, deciding to tell you something he's never told someone before.

"Yo, whatsup?"

His chest tightened and his stomach dropped, backing out before he could ruin the friendship you two had. Ugh, friendship. He hated that. He cleared his throat awkwardly, averting his gaze to the side.
"Nevermind. I should get going, Aizawa-sensei is probably looking for me anways."
"Oh," You pondered to yourself on what he was going to say, though, decided not to pry any longer. You were later than ever to the swimming party your friends arranged. "Aight, Imma head out too then. The girls are probably looking for me by now."

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