BNHA51:PR!! You need to calm down, you're being too loud

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ThIs tOoK foReVeR

"What the fuck Grenada.." You grinned, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. You were trying not to laugh at how amazing and dazzling Bakugo looked, giving him a thumbs up with your other hand. "You look great!"
"Shut the fuck up," He grumbled, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, averting his flustered gaze elsewhere.

In case any of you were wondering, his wild, untamed hair was now unbelievably flattened against his head, parted sideways and thoroughly brushed for maybe the first time in his whole life. He looked so unlike Bakugo it hurt.

"I tried showering but that shit didn't work. I don't know what to fucking do, what do you expect," He explained and you, Kirishima, and Kaminari burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"You look like the Ken doll," Kirishima snorted.
"Yeah, Mr.Side part," Kaminari mocked, joining in on the fun. Meanwhile, your sides were hurting from all the laughter you tried to contain, encouraging Kirishima and Kaminari to continue making fun of their explosive friend.

"Fuck you guys!" Bakugo exclaimed and the three of you hollered loudly, even more so when Bakugo's hair popped back to normal. Literally.

"Guess we found the answer to your problem," You snickered, easing yourself into your seat once you noticed the doorway of the classroom open. "Next time, grenada, just get angry like you always do~"

"Okay class, settle down,"
A new voice piped from the front of the class, sounding very exasperated and tired. You grinned, already recognizing who it belonged to. Your class stood up and greeted Aizawa out of instinct, sitting back down once he urged all of you to do so, anothe loud chatter rising up in the air.

"I know all of you are eager to share your experiences during the internship weekend," Aizawa started, all eyes immediately locking onto his frame. "You lot had the time of your lives, some more than others.."

He noticeably eyed you, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida, the class immediately picking on what their teacher hinted at.

"But now that that event is over, it's time to focus on the next upcoming one. Your finals."

Anxiety and worry immediately rose inside the room, waves of it coming from particular students. A low hush spread in the room, sounding panicked and distressed.

"There will only two parts of the exam," Aizawa spoke and you could hear reliefed sighs coming from Mina and Kaminari. "First three days will be written exams on all the subjects you've tackled. On the fourth day will be a practical and physical exam. These exams will not be easy, I guarantee you so I am expecting all of you to study and train hard as these tests will be soon used for future references. Those who will fail will not be able to participate in the training camp for this summer. That is all."

The moment Aizawa's last words left his lips, he was out, dozing softly in his yellow, fluffy sleeping bag.
Meanwhile, half the class erupted into a state of near panick, clearly desperate for a way to pass the upcoming exams. They huddled and horded around Yaoyorozu's desk, making you wonder what the crowd was for.

"Didn't you get a 97 on the midterm, Momo," You overheard Mina speak while you spun your pen around your fingers boredly, the cogs in your head clicking together as you finally figured out what they were so eager for. A tutor.

"Oh..uh well yeah..." Yaoyorozu's uncertain voice responded and you giggled to yourself at how adorable she sounded. "It's not that big of a-"

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now