BNHA8:PR! You'll make me work so we can work to work it out

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Filler chapter part 1!!

The following weeks after, some class days had been cancelled to give the students time to prepare themselves for the upcoming festivities.

You used the opportunity you got to train harder,both physically and mentally. In this, You'd also got the chance to know others much better, having formed special bonds through continuous hang outs which you enjoyed greatly. You even trained yourself with some of them, wanting to improve in terms of endurance and combat, but kept your quirks hidden for the element of surprise.

"I'm kinda hungry," The voice of Kirishima cut through the comforting silence in the air, his stomach following along as if on cue." As you can tell. Wanna get some muchies?"

You giggled,"I'd love to. Let me get changed first outta these sweaty gear then we can head out."

You emerged out of the building wearing shorts and a hoodie, your duffel bag slung on your shoulders. You saw Kirishima waiting for you by the front and walked up to him, smiling as he wore skinny jeans and a simple black tee that hugged his broad frame.

"Ready to go?" He asked, looking at you with his bright red eyes. You beamed up at him.
He let out a small chuckle when you nodded your head enthusiastically, your body craving for some delicious food.

"Where we going?" You wondered, walking slowly beside Kirishima, who followed your pace. He slightly turned his head, smiling.
"I'm taking you to a food market that I know of, it's quite popular and I'm sure you'll love it."

"Awesome!" Your E/C-orbs sparkled, your body radiating excitement as you bounced up and down like a child, unable to contain the feeling you felt.

The red head laughed, petting your head," You sound like you've never been to one of these markets."

"It's because I never have," Small red hues made it's way to your face and you embarrassingly looked down, clutching your left arm with your right hand as Kirishima gawked at you, obviously surprised. "I wanted to but I've never tried."

"How come?!"

"I..." You paused, the action not going unnoticed by the red headed male."My parents hadn't taken me when I was a child along with my siblings. They were always away."
"Where are your parents now then?"

Curiousity overwhelmed his mind as he stared at your figure, whose face turned into one of sadness. He wasn't stupid, this was a sensitive topic to you, something must have happened and if you didn't want to talk about it, then he won't force you to. He sent you a grin, trying to change the mood that shifted into the air.

"Doesn't matter. The more we should move faster so the more you can experience! Now, come on!"

He grabbed you hand and pulled you into a fast walk, maneuvering through the people that walkd along the pedestrian lane before stopping infront of a buzzling market with bright lights and people. So many people.

"Woah," Was all you could muster out, the aroma of different kinds of food wavering through the air as you watched all kinds of people walk around with their loved ones.

"I know," Kirishima laughed, pulling you inside once again,not letting go of the hand he held. "I know this great food stall that sells these, I don't know, like sliced up pork drizzled with sauce. It tastes better than how I'm making it sound, I swear."

The two of you stopped infront of this food cart with a middle aged man operating behind it, placing the pork onto a sizzling pan and humming a soft tune. He wore a white hat and a messy apron, his glasses perched atop his small nose.

"Back again aren't ya,Kirishima," The old man wheezed, shaking his head as the red head sheepishly grinned.

The vendor's attention was then turned towards you, who was beside Kirishima, gazing at the food the vendor cooked in awe." And I see ya'v brought a lady. After all the times of coming alone here, ya'v finally brought sumone."

The friendly male turned a shade of red, one that could rival his hair as he frantically waved his hand infront of him,"N-No, w-we're not dating. She's just a friend."

"Really now, aye?" The old man eyed Kirishima with a look, as if saying, 'Is she, really?' before shaking his head with a sigh." Don't look like that to me. I'd almost say ya like her."

"Such a shame, really. Ya look good together, are ya sure-"

"Can I have one please?" You piped up from the sidelines, oblivious to the conversation the two were having. Kirishima let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Of course, young lady," The vendor beamed, getting out what he needed to prepare his main meal." Y'know, you remind me of my wife, and him," He then pointed a stick towards the male beside you."Like me. We used to go to markets like this all the time, yeah. We'd stroll around, hand in hand, while I'd look at my wife because of how beautiful she is. I'd say is because to this day, I still find her the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on."

"Aw, that's so sweet," You gushed, a wide smile on your face. You watched the man professionally cook the meat. "Where's your wife now?"

"Oh, she's back at home, taking care of our grandkids," He said, a smile on his face now that he placed the now cooked food onto a plate, handing it out to you when he was finished. "Well, Enjoy,kiddos. Come back again soon."

The two of you thanked the guy, turning to walk away before they heard him yell something out.

"Oh and Kirishima, I expect ya to make a move soon, someone ain't staying single furever, ya hear?"

|| Haven't met you yet by Michael Bublè||

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