BNHA70:PR!I wanna be the one that makes your day, the one you think about

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these three are my latest babies children say hi

Kirishima and Kaminari nearly started a stampede just heading inside the building, everyone quickly tagging along in a hurry to stuff some food into their long awaiting mouths.

Filing inside, your eyes went wide at the long tables filled with what seemed like an endless amount of food. A delicious scent wafting through the air that triggered a rumble of sound that happened to come from each hungry stomach inside the room.

You could already feel your mouth nearly drool at the glorious sight before you, gazing at the stacks of meat piled high, bowls of Miso at the center that sent an alluring aroma, and the big pots of rice that couldn't wait to be eaten. Meanwhile, hot pots stood nearby, filled with freshly cut meat and seasoned vegetables that filled the too be good to be true, delicious-looking broth.

"Am I in heaven?" You heard Kaminari sigh in happiness, eyes nearly watering at the sight. He still hadn't fully recovered from his dumb moment right after he used up so much of his quirk, the one wherein he'd lift both his thumbs up and chant, "Yay," over and over again.
"I must be dreaming," Kirishima happily cried out, legs itching to run and grab a plate full of everything.

"Eat up guys!" Pixie-Bob grinned a toothy grin, purring. "This is gonna be the only day where we're going to cook for you lot!"

At her words, everyone quickly found their place in the two long tables, the food rapidly running out the moment your class had sat down on their respective seats. Everyone went wild, grabbing as much as you could and filling your plates high with anything they can lay their hands on. You lot scarfed the delicious food down your throats with little to no hesitation, the only concern on your young, hunger-dazed minds being: "What if the food ran out?"

"It's so good," Sero cried, tears streaming down his face while he stuffed another gyoza into his mouth. "It's too good."
You chuckled, shoving as much rice and meat as your mouth could take.

"Hey Y/N," You turned to face Mina, cheeks stuffed with (favorite food) which you hurriedly chewed down.
"Do you have anything to do later tonight?"

Shaking your head to say no, you were unable to open your mouth to respond, mouth still full of food that made you puff your cheeks out like a chipmunk.

"Oh good because while we were dropping our stuff," Mina started, making gestures with the chopsticks in her pink hand. "On our way, at the back, we saw an outdoor hot spring! Wouldn't you like to try it out with the other girls right after dinner?"
"Oh hell yeah, I would!" You hollered once you finished chewing. A nice hot bath sounded relaxing, only the gods up above knew how much you desperately needed one. You've had a hell of a day, you definitely had to release the tension in your muscles and going to a hotspring was one of the godsend ways on how to do it.

"That's great!" Mina cheered, pulling you onto your feet. "C'mon girls! Let's head out now!"
"W-Wait!" You screeched. "I'm not yet done eating!"


You did a contented stretch of your arms once you were done unloading the junk you needed for the night in the room you shared with Hagakure, Mina, and Jirou, a pleased sigh coming your mouth.

Remembering the invitation of Mina and the other girls in your class, you began to undress yourself, wrapping yourself in a fluffy towel before heading towards the back area, where the aforementioned hot springs were supposed to be located.

"Y/N!" Mina greeted upon seeing you at the entrance. She sat on a flat rock by the springs, feet dangling casually in the water and occasionally swirling it around. "You made it!"
"I need to relax," You stated in a matter of fact tone. "What we did today practically killed my muscles. I can barely move them without pain shooting throughout my body."

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