BNHA11:PA! The Angel opens her eyes

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Jesus I feel like i just came back from the dead
Anyways this chapter is kinda long for a PA and it's a bit darker but agh enjoy ???

Days passed and Y/N knew her mother and brother weren't coming back, yet she clinged onto that tiny hope, praying every night for a sign that they were always looking out for her.
She'd cry herself to sleep, hugging a picture of her family together before Aizawa had soon found out, offering to stay with the young girl as she grew up.
Soon enough, her hope started slipping but a tiny silver of it remained, along with the hopes of seeing her father come back.

The rain brew outside heavily, pattering against the windows of the house as Y/N stayed by the kitchen table, drawing a picture of her and Aizawa together, who she'd come to see as a father figure.
She was humming a song her mother used to sing when she was afraid, the feeling of nostalgia flooding into her.
A knock resonated from the front of the house and the little girl stopped what she was doing, curious. Aizawa peeked through a doorway, seeing the familiar figure of a man outside the door, heavily soaked.
He raised his eyebrow, alert for anything before opening the door, his bindings at the ready.
"It's me, Shota," F/N slurred, sounding a bit strange. His hair was a mess and scruff grew on his chin, grease stains on the white shirt he wore. He looked a little shabby. "Is sweet, little Y/N here? I've come to see her."
"She's right in the kitchen, I'll call her but after that, we need to have a little talk," Aizawa growled, gritting his teeth as his hand formed into a tight fist. He had a bad feeling about this.
"Papa!" Y/N yelled, appearing from behind a doorway with tears in her eyes, dropping the paper and crayon she was holding. She ran up to her father, hugging him tightly around his leg as the man chuckled, bending over to her height.
"Shota, give us a moment please. I'd like to have a talk with my daughter alone."
The said man hesistantly obliged, his arms crossed as he left the room, eyeing the shabby man that reappeared.

"Papa, I miss you so-" The five year old girl was harshly interrupted by her own father gripping her chin tightly, sneering.
"Listen hear you little brat," He snarled, his teeth gritted as he whispered angrily infront of her face, his breath smelling like booze."It's your fault that she and your brother are dead. You useless piece of junk with no quirk, you could've helped them but because you're so shitty, now she's dead."
"P-Papa?" E/C orbs clashed onto E/C orbs, one starting to swell with tears while the other glared at her, full of menance and hostility.
"I've heard that you developed your quirk, but what can you do? Make a little fire? Control some tiny rocks?" He rambled, gripping her chin tighter, his rough fingers boring onto her delicate face."Why couldn't you have been more like your brother. Now he's dead and I'm stuck with the likes of you."

The tears dropped from the corners of her eyes, staring at the man she used to call family. What did he mean? Did he not like her? Did he want her dead?

His eyes softened and he sighed," You look so much like her it hurts. Her hair, her nose, her mouth. Oh, why did she have to die?"
"It's okay, papa. I'm still here," The E/C-eyed girl comforted, trying to stop the sobbing man by placing a small hand on his arm. Her eyes widened in surprise when her hand was instantly gripped by larger ones, his nails digging onto her skin.
He looked up with blood red eyes, an angry snarl present on his face," Shut up, you little piece of shit. You're nothing. You can't do anything at all, you're not worth living. Such a pathetic piece of human being that remind me so much of my wife. You'll only bring me sadness!"
"Maybe that's why, I'll kill you instead!" F/N let out a chuckle, darkness seeping out of him, sharp and tinted with red." Yes, I'll kill you and then they'll bring sweet M/N and Ryota back! I can, no, I will have them back!"
He laughed maniacally, his eyes filled with insanity as he activated his quirk, sharp projectiles coming towards Y/N.
The child struggled against his grip, trying to set a fire to burn him, fearing for her life. Her eyes closed and she awaited for the pain to shoot through her body, surprisingly, none came.
She opened her eyes and saw a wall of water erupting, preventing the darkness that nearly stabbed her.
"Hm, It seems like the quirk you got from M/N is proving to be quite useful," Her father sneered. "No worries, I guess I'll kill you with my hands."
His large hand moved onto her neck and gripped it tightly, a wide smile on his face as he watched his child struggle for breath. She clawed at his hands, trying to get her to release them as she slowly ran out of oxygen, her vision becoming hazy.
Heat pulsed through her body and her father yelped, a spike made of jagged rocks erupting from the ground, it's sharp tip piercing through his arm, blood gushing out as a hole was now seen through the limb.
Y/N's eyes widened and so did his, shock written all over his face before it turned to uncontrollable rage.
"P-papa, I didn't mean that-" She stuttered out, horrified at the bloody scene that she caused by accident. The sight of his holed arm and the blood spilling onto the floor made her nauseous, the stench of it quickly coming to her nose.
"That's it, I've had enough," He growled, pulling out a knife from his pocket, he approached her slowly, his left arm limp as pain shooted through his body. "It's time for you to really die."
"N-No! I might hurt you!" She yelped, her fear convulsing into flames as her body erupted into hot fire.
The little girl felt her wrist being gripped and looked at him with a horrified expression, even though his hand was burning, he continued to bring the knife closer.
All of a sudden, the sharp weapon was knocked out of his hands and cloth quickly binded his arms, bringing him away from the child.
"That's enough, F/N," Aizawa yelled, anger raging through him as he saw the scarred young Y/N, tears coming out of her eyes like a waterfall.
"Let go of me!" F/N hissed, struggling against the bindings of the hero's cloth. "Come on, Shota! You know she's dead because of her. It's all Y/N's fault that your sister and my wife is now gone."
"It is not her fault, whatsoever," The black haired man glared daggers at the tied up male, who continued to struggle.
"If she wasn't born, they wouldn't have come now, would they? M/N wouldn't have had to sacrifice herself," The delusional being continued, now staring intensely at Y/N." If you weren't such a piece of useless shit then your mother and brother would have still been alive. Instead of running away, you could have atleast stayed with them so that you wouldn't have to bear the weights of their deaths."
"Don't listen to him, Y/N," Aizawa comforted, trying to calm the hysterical child down as her body continued to take in his words.

"And if that isn't enough, look how much pain you've caused me. You could have killed me. You're just like a weapon, meant for harming only," He lifted his arms and showed off the wounds, knowing full to well it could affect her life." Seeing your face makes me writher in disgust, you remind me of her so much that it makes me want to strangle you for her death. If you die, maybe the gods will bring her back! Then everything will be okay! You're only going to be a burden to everyone, including your uncle over there and he knows it."

"That's not true, N/N,"  The teacher muttered, pain and anger seeping into his body at the words his brother-in-law shouted aloud. He turned around, clearly annoyed before approaching the binded man. With one single punch, Aizawa knocked him out, his head slumped against his chest as he breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down.
He turned his head and his eyes softened, witnessing Y/N look at her own hands, bloodied as tears ran down her face. He rushed to her in an instant, bringing the young girl into his comforting embrace as she cried aloud.

|| Lightning Crashes by Live||
Wew, honestly the song with this is like, so unalike. It's an unusual pair but whatever, so like the others anyways.
Hope you liked this, I don't even know anymore

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