BNHA8.2:PR! I won't give up

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This is a filler ??? Chapter i think HAHAH idrk understand what a filler is so RIP someone please explain

You flopped onto your bed, exhausted from the night out you spent with Kirishima. You soon fell asleep, the memories replaying in your head.

"What was that all about?" You wondered, stabbing your  stick onto the delicious meat before bringing it to your mouth and taking a bite. "Mm, this is so good."
Kirishima nervously chuckled," Probably nothing. An inside joke of his, maybe."
"Maybe," You let out a shrug as they walked out of the market, different food in each one of your hands." Hey,You want some?"
"Sure!" The red headed male excitedly agreed, about to reach out for your food when he realized his hands were full." Oh wait, I can't. My hands are full."
"Open wide then," You chirped. You brought your food closer to his mouth and he turned a dark red, rivaling the color of an apple.
"I'm going to feed you so open up buttercup," You said, a cheery tune in your tone as Kirishima nervously opened his mouth. You fed him the pork, smiling up at him as the male looked away from your gaze shyly.

After you two headed out the market, the both of you decided to take a small stroll through the park, basking under the night sky as you two walked around mindlessly, following the trail the place offered.

You talked and laughed all night, especially at the time when you laughed so hard, milk went out of your nose, making the red head laugh even harder. You continued walking, heading to the your house to drop you off. The whole time, you enjoyed each one's company, watching the people around you pass by and slowly start to lessen.

"Hey, you know, Kirishima," You started, turning your head to look at him."I had fun, tonight. Talking with you and all. I haven't had a fun stroll in the city in such a long time.  Maybe when I was four? Five?"
"How come?" He asked, stopping when you were right infront of your gate as he waited for you to continue.
You took a deep breath, "My family was taken away from me when I was young a-and-"
Your hand started shaking and tears welled up in your eyes, unable to look into the red orbs that stared at her sadly.
You felt a comforting hand on your own and your eyes widened when you were pulled against his chest, a hand on your back.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Kirishima whispered." But I'll be right here when you need me."
You buried your head in the crook of his neck, staying like in that position for a while before you pulled away, much to the dismay of the red headed classmate of hers.
You wiped the tears with the back of your hand and sent a smile," Thanks, Eiji."
"No problem," He smiled, lifting a hand up to wave goodbye to you."Now go inside your house and take a rest, it's late at night already."
"Alright, what about you?" You asked, opening her gate.
"I'm fine, my house is just nearby," He laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets."Take care."
"You too," You said, entering the comforting zone of your home. Before you closed it however, you looked at Kirishima with a soft gaze. "Thanks again. I really enjoyed tonight and I hope we can do it again sometime."
"Yeah, I would like that."
Kirishima replied with a smile of his own, watching the retreating figure of the lady from behind the bars of the gate. He shook his head with a small chuckle before heading his way home, the events replaying in his head.

|| I won't give up by Jason Mraz||

This is just like a mini chapter? Doesn't really matter but I just wanted to add this.
So maybe this is like a filler? Except the fact that I don't actually really understand what a filler is but like okay.
Hope you guys are enjoying so far cuz I know I am

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