BNHA42: PR! From the corner of my eye, I saw a pretty little thing approach me

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I am ______
finish it
hint: Ironman
The streets of Hosu's businnes district wasn't as lively as you thought it would have been. To be fair, it was kind of late in the night and not much people would be out at this moment but still... 
Actually no, now that you clearly thought about it, It was sort of understandable not much would be outside hanging out.
A serial killer that usually struck after the sun went down was out on the loose and people were inside obviously hiding, knowing that he was still likely within the city.
Based on the Hero Killer's past records, he usually didn't leave a place until he's either killed or injured three heroes and since Ingenium was the first to fall into his blood stained hands in Hosu, then you along with the other pro heroes had to assume he was still here.

You continued walking calmly down the streets, looking around for any signs of the hero killing man. You happened to pass an alleyway with yellow police taped slung across and your face contorted into a grim look.

It was the place where Ingenium was struck by Stain, looking much more dangerous and grimly in the night.

You stood still in silence, to offer your condolences when your eyes caught a street sign on the otherside of the narrow alleyway.

You took out your phone and opened it, checking to see if it were the same sign that said where Native and hopefully, Yui was. Your mouth formed into a thin line when you realized Edgeshot was going to be there as well. You imagined the disappointed look he would give you.

You tried to think of an apology as to why you disobeyed his orders while you crossed the streets. Once you reached the place, your mouth fell open, the alleyway was empty save for the few trashcans and garbage that loitered around.

"I guess I found my family.." You lightly joked to yourself to try and ease the nerves in your body from the eerie silence. You were sure this was the place where Native was supposedly to be at and stepped closer inside, holding your palm out to light a fire. It cast a creepy glow and did nothing to soothe your jumpy self.

Your eyes roamed the place for a while, examing every little detail before your gaze landed on something red blinking on the ground. You cautiously approached. Your jaw dropped way to early a while ago, there on the floor was a small metal device, no bigger than the button of a shirt and around it was a pool of blood like a puddle. You lifted your arm up, becoming slightly nauseous at the sight and the scent of blood that covered the graffiti walls and the ground. It brought you the memories you buried deep inside your mind.

You notice a section of the wall where the blood stroked downwards, as if somebody bleeding had slid with their back against the wall. The red liquid trailed downwards where it pooled and your eyes followed, noticing how it led to a trail of blood that led deeper into the alleyway. You wondered if the person was able to escape. But why head into the alley and not the other way that led outside onto the street where somebody can help? Unless, The Hero Killer had carried that person on to a new location, a place that was more secluded and less likely to be spotted.

You tried to clear your thoughts as you processed everything, why weren't any of the heroes and the authorities here? Where were Edgeshot and Yui right now? How is it that not even a single police car was present? You were disrupted from thinking when a loud explosion was set behind you. You jerked, turning around in alarm.

You spotted an escape ladder from the side of the apartment building and climbed in haste. A couple blocks away, you could see tendrils of smoke rising up in the cold, night air, the terrified screams of people heard throughout the neighboring. Your eyes widened, The Hero Killer?! No, he wouldn't draw so much attention like that. It was something gruesome, something that you can most definitely tell was extremely dangerous.

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