BNHA59: PR!! I Can Taste It, The End Is Upon Us, I Swear

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"Well," Recovery girl shifted comfortably in her seat, paying no mind to the numerous students standing behind her. "This fight is going to be quite interesting!"

All eyes went over to the nurse of UA in an instant, an atmosphere of confusion rising into the air. Too shy to say a word, the class of 1A stayed quiet, that is, until Yaoyorozu stepped up.
"Really? How so?"

The gray-haired lady chuckled, giving the students a mere side glance before she focused her attention back on the screen, "I'm certain you all know that we teachers have decided the pairing system will be according to how your partner brings out the best of you, how compatibile you are with each other, how your partners strengthen you, you know, that kind of thing.."

She paused for a moment to catch her breath, taking their silence as a sign to continue.

"And of course, the teachers you faced off were based according to your weaknesses, meaning you battled a teacher who's quirk was your weakness. Not necessarily your actual weakness, but one that made your quirk slightly.. How do I put it into words? Useless? No.. Uhm, tested the ability of your quirk and strategical thinking or....atleast something along the lines of that. "

Raising a short arm to gesture towards the screen, she swiveled her seat to face the handful of students, amused at the way they were trying to process the newfound information. She cleared her throat and pressed a couple of buttons, the camera immediately shifting to directly face the trio.

"You all know that both Bakugo and Y/N have strong personalities, they both want to take the lead," She began to explain. "And well, Bakugo and Midoriya don't exactly get along with each other."

It was true, everyone out there could see the way Bakugo would react towards Midoriya, often threatening to kill him and saying words displeasing to the human ear. Of course, they thought it was all fun and games, until they realized how much the blond actually did dislike the freckled boy, refusing to be even a meter close to him.

"So why put them together?" Ochako asked, voicing out the single question stuck on everyone's mind.

"The teachers were kind of hoping that Y/N would be able to pull the team together. Be the glue that'll prevent them from falling apart. She can work with anyone, she can handle Bakugo's explosive remarks and she can help Midoriya reveal his true feelings," Turning her seat to the side, the small lady sighed. "They're strong individually but as a team, they're lacking one of the most vital things needed to make a group work. They lack cooperation."

Ochako puffed out her cheeks, the room cold and silent. The people who were present listened intently to the words of the nurse, becoming more and more interested as each second passed.

"Yes, dearie. If this were a battle of strength, of course, they would lose and when they lose, their chances of failing would increase. That's why in order for them to pass, they need to think of a way or a plan for them to be able to defeat the already handicapped All Might. Even escaping through the gate would be the better option. Just look at the screen. "

Eyes turned towards the large monitor infront of them, focused solely on Y/N who seemed to be arguing with her red-eyed teammate.

"She looks like she's having a hard time with Bakugo," Kaminari commented, worry evident in his electric eyes. "I hope she'll be okay with the two of them."
"We'll just see about that..."


"Bakugo where the hell are you going?!" You yelled, watching the boy start to pace a few feet away from you and Midoriya.

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