BNHA69: PR!! Oh I need the dollars, Beat it up like Piñatas

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"What the fuck!" You yelled, the sudden breaking of the ground sending you and your class hurling towards the bottom of the mountain. You summoned a jab of earth from the mushy ground, repositioning your legs so you were made to look like you were surfing on the mudslide, feet planted firmly on the rock you had made.

Once nearing the ground, you jumped from your rock, landing on the floor with a pained grunt and somersaulting on it before propping your legs to force yourself upwards, now on your feet. You couldn't afford to break your legs, Recovery Lady wasn't going to be in the camp for a week.

Looking around you, you spotted half your classmates laying on the ground, still trying to get their bearings together while the other half stood in the same state as you were, surprised but nonetheless okay. All of you had dirt and mud imprinted on your uniforms, a few them coming off easily with a brush of a hand while some of them stayed as a stain.

"If you kitties are fast enough,"

Everyone tilted their heads upwards to see Mandalay shouting from the top.

"You might be able to make it to lunch! It's 9:30, You have three hours to make it through the Beast Forest! Goodluck!"

And with that, she disappeared from sight, leaving a bunch of kids at the bottom, dirtied and disgruntled.

"I swear if she's serious about the three hour limit," You said, a hint of worry evident in your tone. "Then we gotta start moving. I don't wanna miss out on lunch..."

"You've got a point!" Kirishima followed, a determined grin forming onto his face as he stood, everyone else following and dusting what dirt they could rid. "We'll be able to go through this Beast Forest in no time! C'mon! Let's haul, ass!"

As if the forest heard him, a low growl suddenly emitted from deep within the trees, the sound of heavy thumping causing pebbles to rise and shake continuously, moving away from it's original position bit by bit. Everyone turned silent, heads looking around to spot what was causing the earth to rumble.

"Tell me I'm not the only one who can feel that," Sero meekly prayed, eyes scanning the faces of his friends. His assumptions were confirmed when he noticed the same expression on each of their faces, knowing he wasn't the only one going crazy brought him comfort.


You jumped at the sudden noise. Whatever was causing that seemed to be breaking down trees as it urged closer. You could feel the vibration of broken roots and trunks, the pain from the plants bringing a wince to your mouth.


"It's getting closer!" Kirishima warned and you turned towards where you identified the sound, staggering a few steps back with your head throbbing at the feeling of branches and trees snapping.

Mina's eyes went wide in alarm, head turned to face Kirishima,"What do you mean it?! Those are footsteps?!"


Breaking apart the numerous plants to form itself a pathway, there stood an earth golem, standing high and mighty, made of rocks and jagged stone. It's claws were sharp and the monster easily towered over your class, letting out an ear-piercing shriek that served as some kind of battle cry.

"Beast! Look out!" You heard a couple of people scream.

The golem raised its large fists in the air, bringing it down on the leg-locked Mineta, who stood there frozen in spot.
"Mineta!" Midoriya cried, tackling the small boy away before he could be turned into grape juice by the beast. They tumbled, rolling together and creating a large wave of dust floating in the air.

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