BNHA32: PR! I'm fired up and tired of the way the things have been

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You guys commenting are so funny

theres these three readers who were all saying how they hated heels sm and preferred sneakers and stuff
but we all know its the slipper that's the god of this world
Ive been beaten @XDayis


Your mouth made a small 'O' shape as you dropped down the heavy bag you carried, gazing up at the building in awe. You didn't know what to do, waltz inside immediately or wait outside until someone inside the building would notice you. You settled for the second option.

"Hello, Y/N," A deep voice spoke up from behind you and you tensed, your arms igniting up in flames as you swiftly turned, throwing a punch.

"Easy there," The mask-wearing hero laughed, nimbly dodging your punch by cocking his head to the side. "It's just me, Snipe."

You eyed the man before you, recognizing the familiar western-styled costume and the dreadlocks that were attached to the back of his head. You relaxed and dropped your hands back to your side, your flames dying instantly.
"Sorry, Snipe. You scared me."

"No worries," He replied, bending over and lifting your bag. "Come. Follow me."

"Ooh!" You let out in amazement, passing by rooms filled with targets and long-ranged weapons, civilians and sidekicks running around the building.

"Welcome to my agency," Snipe started and you turned your attention towards him. "I heard from Aizawa that you'd be practicing with blades now so I assume you're here so that you can practice accuracy and aim, yes?"

"Bingo!" You hummed, snapping your fingers and pointing at him. "That's exactly why I went to your agency."

"May I see your weapons?" The western-styled man asked politely and you nodded your head.
Flicking your wrist, a blade shot out and Snipe marveled at it, his mask taken off to get a better look.

He let out a satisfactory hum, "Roughly 8 inches and 15 cm wide. Oddly extremely sharp, made with some kind of special and one of a kind material. Good, Good."

"Yeah, Hatsume Mei made it!" You chirped, flicking your wrist inwards where the blade retracted back inside.

"Well, she's certainly good at what she does," He let out a low chuckle and the both of you entered a room with a futon in it.

'Oh so he's a minimalist...' You thought, weirdly not expecting it. "Is this my room?"
Snipe nodded his head, "Yes. Go unpack and change. Training starts in 5 minutes, don't be late."


"Focus, Y/N!" Snipe barked, eyeing you as you concentrated on throwing blades at a target 100ft away from you. He paced behind you, hands clasped behind his back while he eyed your stance.

He paused and pushed at your lower back, "Back straight! Concentrate. Do not be pressured. Take a deep breath and aim."

You did as you were told, taking a couple of deep breaths as you closed one eye, aiming at the center of the target.

"Rear your arm back, and in one swift movement, as if you're slicing through air, release the blade."

You reared your arm back and quickly lurched it forward, adding power to your arm as you let go of the blade. It traveled in the air and landed  at the head of the target. Not where you wanted.

"Fuck," You hissed and Snipe hit you at the back of your head.
"No cursing. Try again."

You grabbed another blade from a box before settling the handle inside your hand. You raised your arm, prepared to throw.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now