BNHA39: PR! She won't get out of my head, she's kinda hot though

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so my filipino friend thought me this new phrase
"Tabangi ko Lord, murag mo matay ko"
and like its supposed to mean help me Lord its like im gonna die
she always uses in an exasperated way like shes so done im using it now


A couple hours later of you falling, tripping, and landing on the mat had finally finished and you could tell you were definitely done for the day. Your muscles were sore from all the swinging and the movement that your mentor had taught you. Edgeshot showed no mercy and now you know.

Anyways, he was currently walking you back to your room, showing you the ropes of the place because first of all, you were new and second, you didn't know your way around the area so naturally, like the good host that he was, Edgeshot had to lead the way.

"No, I don't know what Vines or Memes are," The hero glanced at you as he pushed open a door that led outside to a small, enclosed yard surrounded by huts. "But I have heard of them from Ender. It's a thing right now isn't it?"

"Hell yeah it is!" You whooped and Edgeshot shook his head lightly at your childish demeanor, a smile on his face as he muttered out a classic, old school.
"Kids these days.."

For a couple moments of walking,it remained silent. Only the slight creaking of the wood from the sudden pressure and the light taps of your feet against the floor was heard.

Edgeshot gave you a side glance, a bit of his brows slightly scrunched together in thought. He cleared his throat to get your attention and turned his head to look down on you.

"So, Y/N," The male started and you looked at him with both your brows raised. "What's your hero name?"

"Oh uh..Terra," You responded and he let out a knowledgeable hum.
"Why's that?"

"Well, it's a name my mom suggested for me long ago and I wanted to pay tribute to her because her quirk was also Manipulation of Earth and Fire," You explained and Edgeshot's eyes widened when he came into a realization that slapped him in the face.

"I suppose you're the daughter of the hero Elemen then?"

You nodded your head and Edgeshot stopped walking, making you stop walking as well. You looked at him with a questioning look like 'Why'd ya stop walking? My legs are killing me here..'

"No wonder you look so familiar. You look just like her, Y/N."

"Thanks," You responded. "I've been told..."

Shock wrote itself all over your face when Edgeshot placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, looking solemnly into your E/C eyes.

With a soft tone, he whispered, "She would be so proud of you, Y/N. I hope you know that."

He dropped his arm and proceeded to walk away as if nothing ever happened, leaving you shellshocked.

You stood still for a while, staring at the back of his figure that slowly and gracefully moved farther away, too stunned to form words.

Confused thoughts ran inside your head as you sped walked to catch up to the man.


"This is where you'll be staying,"

Opening a door to a fairly large room, the hero flicked on the lights where you were able to see the interiors.

It was a simple bedroom, oddly velvety red in color with a queen-sized bed pushed up against the wall. There was only a couple of basic furniture items inside like a cabinet and a drawer but that was it. It gave you the impression that the Ninja Hero was sort of a minimalist.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now