BNHA54: PA!!

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Adopted @emerled_rogue and @Totorokei

"I-I don't know, Auntie, I'm sorry," Y/N aplogized softly under her breath, wincing when the older female brought down the ruler she held in her hands and onto her own tiny ones that had already turned red from the countless blows they recieved.

"Why are you so stupid?!" A/N belittled, letting out an exasperated grunt that struck  Y/N's feelings dead on. "Why am I stuck with.. with..something like you. If only I hadn't promised Aizawa ugh. Whatever..besides I'm a good person afterall, I don't break promises."

"I'm really sorry," The child said, her gaze cast downwards. "Please, let me try agai-"
"No! No use in teaching a thing like you,"  The auntie huffed out, crossing her arms. "Go to your room. Go!"

Y/N stood up without a word, rushing out the door with tears nearly about to pool out of her eyes. She had to be strong, she had no other choice or else her auntie would beat her up. She ran as quick as possible up the stairs without tripping, throwing her door open and slamming it shut. She jumped onto her mattress, muffling her cries with the pillow she slept on.


"Why must you cry, Y/N?" Young Y/N heard a voice, smooth and velvety, soft and sweet. It gave her the feeling of warmth and comfort, wanting to rush immediately to whoever's voice it was.
"Wha? Who said that?" She said aloud, backing up into her bed's headboard and clutching the pillow tight between her arms. "B-Back off! I-I can hurt you!"
"We wouldn't want that would we?"

The room around her turned white and she no longer sat atop her bed. She panicked, looking around in confusion, trying to find anything she can hold onto.
Soft showers of light bubbled and gathered around in one area before it materialized into a shape. First, the legs, then the upper body, and finally the head. The transformation was yet to be complete and when it was, Y/N gasped aloud, dropping the pillow she tightly gripped onto.

A woman stood before her, with beautiful H/C hair and charming E/C eyes, a pleasant smile adorning her features graciously. She was beautiful, like an angel who blessed Y/N with her appearance.

"Hello, darling," Tears cascaded down the pretty woman's cheeks in an instant. A single droplet first followed immediately by a couple more before she was full on crying. She bended low enough to match the young girl's height and pulled her into a tight hug, soft gasps escaping her lips.

"W-Who are you?" Y/N asked, feeling the woman place a hand at the back of her head. A feeling of longing blossomed inside her chest, eventually succumbing to the warmth inside her.

The woman pulled away, looking right into her H/C eyes that mirrored her own.

"I'm your mother, Y/N..."

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now