BNHA12:PR! I'm feeling good

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I don't know if any of you noticed but the titles of each chapter are just song lyrics that I listened to in the middle of the night while I make stories and below are the songs where I got it from.
Anyways, I'll move on to the story now


"Alright, is everybody ready?!" Present Mic's voice resonated throughout the crowd as they cheered, hooted and applauded in response, hyped for the main events that were to come.

This time of the year was always their favorite. Here, the could see which student would make a great sidekick for their agency and they could see which ones were the strong ones.

"It's time for the first years to take stage!"

Your eyes filled with amazement at the large crowd before you, filling the stadium to the brim. All you could hear was yelling and hollering from the crowd with excited grins on their faces as your class and fellow other batchmates emerged out from the dark pathway under the stadium, the sunlight shining down beautifully on their skin.

The bundle of nerves in your stomach tightened and you felt queasy. So many thoughts ran through your head, hundreds pf of thousands of people will be silently judging you, wanting to know if they deem you worthy of a sidekick. You looked at your classmates, eyeing all the faces and expressions of your friends, particularly the student of All Might, who was shaking visibly.

"You okay?" You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as he shakily turned his head to look at you.
"M-M-Ma-an-ny People!" He bursts immediately, his legs shaking almost uncontrollably. He gagged and quickly covered his mouth, swallowing up whatever he had for breakfast with sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Relax, Izuku," You said with a wide toothy grin, slapping his back painfully whilst he lurched forward with each hit. "You'll do fine, I know you will. I believe in you! Just think about the event as how you dreamed of when you were a little kid,"

"I totally understand,Y/N," Midoriya chuckled, his thoughts wandering back to when he was still a small, quirkless child staring at the TV with wide, wishful eyes. "The event that I've so wanted to join when I was a kid, the roaring crowd, the different competitors, all of this makes the Sports Festival, the one in my dreams."

"There ya go, buddy!" You laughed and Midoriya's stomach slowly started to ease. The both of you stood next to each other, listening to Present Mic's introduction towards the other courses.

Couple minutes later, the other classes from the different first year courses took stage, all attention shifting to them as they held the same expressions that your class once had when you and the gang took stage.

Eyeing the different students, you immediately recognized the same puffy, stuck out lavender hair from before and the same silver male from general studies and section B.

Your gaze went over to the purple one. His stance, the look on his face, the way he presented himself, it was all the way too calm, as if he'd been to these kind of events before.

His gaze turned to you, after feeling that somebody had been staring, and made eye contact with your pair of E/C orbs, which widened and turned away in embarrassment, red hues sporting your cheeks. The lavender male merely smirked, shoving his hands back inside the pockets of his blue jogging pants.

'Can't believe he caught me staring!' You thought to yourself, a blush creeping onto your face from the thought of it.
You were only broken out of your train of thoughts, however, when the cackling of a whip was heard throughout the place, silencing the chattering crowd although the voices of several males oggling at the hero who stood on the platform echoed.

"It's Midnight!" Kirishima yelled excitedly like he was a small kid again though he and Kaminari sweatdropped together at the sight of her.

"What is she wearing..."

"That's to be expected from the R-rated hero," Tokoyami replied from somewhere along the sidelines, his arms crossed as he brooded along with the duo next to him, his eyes closed in, maybe exasperation? Tiredness? Or probably he was just naturally cool.

"Thank you for coming, everyone!" Midnight started, throwing her hands up in the air as she let a smirk make its way to her pretty face, a sharp canine like tooth slightly poking out.  "However, before we get started with the main events, let us begin with a speech from Class 1-A's representative, give it up for Bakugo Katsuki!"

'Seriously?! This guy?!' You, along with several of your classmates deadpanned, the color draining from all your faces as you watch him stalk slowly up the steps, hands shoved tightly in his pockets.

Like always, there was an ever so present frown on his face when he finally reached the flat platform. He turned around,
everyone in the stadium and the people watching with a  TV gazing at him with high expectations as they witness him lean closer onto the microphone, anticipation bubbling
inside their stomachs. They were eager to hear whatever he had to say.

"I'm going to be number one,"

Class 1-A's souls floated up to the sky, turning colorless as Bakugo grunted and walked down the stairs like nothing ever happened, the other students from the different classes angrily raging, yelling and booing at the blond who took his place at the front of his section again, an unusually calm expression on his face.

"Bakugoo," You whined, dropping yourself beside the exasperated boy and clinging onto his side. "Why did you have to have go and let our class be hated. Why you gotta be like that? Why you gotta do us like that?"

"Speak properly and shut the fuck up," The blond growled, shaking the female off him as you continued to droopily cling onto him. "It doesn't matter to me because I'll still fucking win. You all are just my shitty step stones to becoming the number one hero."

"Bakugoo, shut up," You complained again, whacking him in the head with the back of your hand.
He let a sigh escape from his nose, practically fuming as you tsked at him, wagging a finger at his face. "Don't say that, Kacchan. We're all friends here."

"Don't fucking call me that,"

"Shh," Iida hushed sharply, only to be responded by the click of a tongue and a beaming smile. Guess which one is which.

"For the first event, we will have," Anticipation bubbled again within the students while Midnight laughed heartily to herself, pulling on the lever of a levitating board.

Quickly then, the results showed, giving the students their answer.

"An Obstacle Race Course!"

The stadium full of heroes bursted into an excited chatter whilst the students down below waited for the pro hero to explain further what the rules were for the particular game, all staring at her with wide, curious eyes.

"An obstacle?" You questioned aloud, hand on your chin. Midnight brought down her black whip and pointed at your where you stood beside Midoriya, seeming to answer you as the light glinted in her glasses.

"Yes!" She was aiming her whip in your direction, her eyes practically twinkling in delight. "You can do anything as long as you stay within the track! Anything as in anything! You can play smart and maybe even play dirty!"

This time, it was the participants that burst into excited mutters, formulating different plans and tactics, most of them deciding on collabing amongst their friends.

Midnight cleared her throat to catch the attention of the students again. Once they were all looking at her figure, she lifted her hand up high in the air and yelled aloud,

"Let the games begin!"

|| Feeling Good by Michael Bublè||

Feel free to listen to the songs in the titles for each chapter yknow to set the mood??
Chapter 12 huh....and I still haven't done anything for the sports festival except this. Sorry if its taking to long for you guys huhu

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