BNHA18:PR! Now I'm shaking, drinking all this coffee

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Back at it again, I changed some of the battles to make room for you. Hope you enjoy
You washed up in the restroom, splashing your face with cold water to relieve the stress that remained in your body. It helped. But barely as you grabbed a paper towel to wipe the water away, staring at your reflection with a nervous gaze.

Your eyes trailed over your face, checking to see if any dirt was present before fixing your hair, straightening your clothes right after. You released a sigh, wondering how the following battles were going whilst you exited the room, walking back to check if your game was nearly up.

Your eyes widened when you saw Tokoyami and Ashido fighting, the latter losing as her acid did nothing whatsoever against the hybrid's Dark Shadow.

Your game was up next and you rushed to the preparation room, nervousness pitting in your stomach as you entered the room where you go to before the match.

You gulped a large amount of water and fanned yourself, thinking of ways on how to defeat your opponent.

"I don't wanna hurt her, really, " You thought, one hand gripping on your chin, the other on your hip whilst you paced back and forth. "I should just push her out of bounds instead. How should I though? Kick her out? Push? Throw?"

They all seemed violent to you, you didn't want to hurt her in anyway, she was the first friend you made here in UA.

The door was pushed open, revealing none other than Iida, who seemed happy yet at the same time sad.

"You okay?" You asked, stopping your pacing.
He nodded his head, his glasses glinting under the light, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Y/N."
"Did you lose or something? You don't seem fine at all."

"No, I didn't lose, thankfully," He replied immediately, dropping the towel around his neck onto the table. "I won but I feel so used!"
He fake cried as crocodile tears sprang out from his eyes, making you let out a chuckle and ask why.

"How come?"

"She was just using me to advertise her products and I didn't win fairly! She just stepped out of bounds willingly!"

He pouted and you giggled, covering your mouth as he crossed arms childishly.
"That's alright. Atleast you got to advance in the next round, right?"

"Yeah but I still feel like I didn't deserve it."

"Iida," You started, approaching the said male gently with a smile on your face. You placed your hand on his arm, your touch sending jolts that ran through his body. "Don't be like that. You have every right to win even if she stepped out willingly. You're smart,well-mannered, diligent, caring, and hard working!"

"T-Thank You," Iida sputtered out, a faint blush on his cheeks as he bowed. A feeling grew on his chest as you said those words and he couldn't help but wonder.

Meanwhile, you inwardly laughed, you've been giving motivational speeches all day that if another were to come, you were afraid you'd run out of words.
"No problemo,"

"So Y/N," He started, just before the air could turn thick with awkwardness, averting his eyes elsewhere when they met with your own. "Are you preparing for the game?"
"Uhm, I guess?"

You crossed your arms, shifting your weight onto one side, your face morphed into confusion. "I'm going against Momo and I don't really wanna hurt her whatsoever."

You then furrowed your brows, your mind wandering back to different tactics. "But I'm still a bit troubled, really,"
"Might I suggest-"

The door burst open yet again, interrupting Iida as it revealed the familiar bird hybrid again, who looked as calm as ever, a small towel wrapped around his neck.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now