BNHA31: PR! What If I can't let go, What If I come back home,

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My writing is so crappy istg it gives me a headache HHAHA
anyway i hope yall bbs enjoy this chapter im adopting all of you as my children now


You changing was the partial reason why you went out to leave. The real reason was so that you could find the formal president of yours, who disappeared for a couple days making you wonder what happened to him.

You headed out the restroom dressed back in your uniform, holding the gray briefcase that contained your hero costume. Now, you were off to look for the certain blue-haired male and interogate him properly. You have been watching a lot of police, detective shows lately ever since you've got Netflix.

As you walked down the hall, your eyes managed to spot the male you were looking for.

'That was easy,' You thought to yourself, preparing yourself as you stormed towards him, yelling. "Tenya Iida, come here right now! I'm here to ask why you've been gone!"

You saw the grim look on the boy's face, his mouth turning into a thin line as he paused and turned around, running away. You sighed through your nose.
"Hold it!"

Thrusting your hand forward, ice erupted from your palm and shot toward the boy, narrowly missing him. You scrunched your nose in annoyment and made the plants and vines creep up the side of the building, breaking the glass windows as they made their way inside. Stomping your foot on the ground, a rock wall shot up and blocked the runner's path.

'I should've done that in the first place,' You thought, sighing. You raised your palm again and iced Tenya's legs so he can no longer run. Power walking to him, you nearly threw the briefcase at his head.

"Why the hell are you running away?!" You fumed, stopping right infront of him. "You're not disappearing on me again, Tenya Iida!"

"My apologies, L/N-" He started, only to be interrupted.

"Cut the crap," You sternly said. "What's been going on with you? Are you sick? Are you failing? Wait no, that's literally the most impossible thing to happen ever."

"It's none of your business," He replied with, averting his gaze elsewhere. You noticed the way his fists tightened at his sides. "It's just some family matters. That's all. You don't need to worry about me."

"Tenya, let me call you that," You quickly added before he could reply with some formal answer like how they're not in a relationship or anything. You grabbed his hand and gazed at him softly. "I will always worry about you, you know? You're my friend."

You failed to notice that way he frowned when you mentioned friend and continued on with your speech.

"-and I care about what's happening to you. I want to help you, I want to be here for you. You can trust me and I know that I can also trust you too. You can't stop me from worrying about you, you matter a lot to me."

Iida gazed at you intently, his glasses glinting under the strong white light of the ceiling. He unclenched his fists and relaxed, taking a deep breath.

"You've heard of the hero, Ingenium, no?"

"Of course," You furrowed your brows, releasing your grip on his hand much to his dismay. "He was like one of the first heroes I saw in action. He's like super awesome!"

"He's my brother," Iida mentioned and you let out an audible gasp of surprise, urging him to continue. " And the reason why I've been gone these past few days is because up until recently, a villain naimed the Hero Killer had attacked my brother in the city of Hosu. My brother lived, but now he is paralyzed from the waist down. He can no longer move his legs and I...I want to find this villain and make him pay for what's he done."

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