BNHA52.2: PR!! Alone in a crowded room, my eyes will search for you

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this is for route B

Haha children which one do you wanna go against?
•Aizawa and Snipe
•AllMight ?

"Where do you wanna eat?" Shinso asked, looking at you with a small smile on his sleepy features . "Any places in that dull mind of yours?"
"Hey!" You pouted, crossing your arms. "I'm not dull!"
"I'm just kidding," The purple haired male said, letting out a chuckle in which you huffed and stuck your tongue out at him.

However, Your eyes brightened immediately when an idea snuck in your head. Grabbing his arm out of the blue, Shinso stopped walking, noticing your eyes twinkled under the light of the moon and the smile that graced your features.
"I know just the place!"


You and Shinso stopped infront of an aesthetic looking building, which wasn't too tall nor too short either. The building itself consisted of two floors in which a sign that read La Vie En Rose in cute calligraphy letters was written on the beige colored walls. Two open window sills were placed purposefully on each side of the door, filled with plants and flowers that reached and crawled on parts of the building it could reach. Tables with flower pots were situated at the front of the building, lined up neatly and used by citizens of Japan who drank coffee and ate cake, chatting with their friends and whoever was on the table.

You and Shinso walked up to the arch doorway, pulling on the wooden semi-oval door which opened quite easier than you expected.

The inside smelled faintly of hot chocolate brewing, full of people as loud chatter was up in the air. Decorative lights inside geometriccal shapes hanged from the ceiling, casting a faint yellow glow inside the room as it perfectly contrasted with the creme clored walls . At the sides of the room, Square-shaped shelves placed closely together were filled separately with books, ornaments, and motivational quotes lined the walls, couches and beanbags placed right below with purposefully placed newspaper and magazines.
At the center of the room, between the cozy, homy sides of the room were square tables similar to the one outside, where decorative tissue holders were placed right on the center. Towards the back was a marble counter that displayed various beatiful desserts and fulfilling sandwhiches, a young looking employee attending politely to a father and his son. Above the employee hung blackboards, handwritten menus displaying what the place had to offer and behind the employee was a black counter filled with various machinery for coffee and other drinks.

You smiled, the place was full with all kinds of people. From students studying to long time bestfriends gossiping with each other.

"Hello Y/N! I see you got our letter," A female with soft brown locks and piercings on her ears greeted politely beside you. Startled, you jumped back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," The woman apologized with a laugh. "I'm Rosa. Stacey is at the back helping the kitchen, she'll come out later. For now, it's just me."
"It's nice to properly meet you, Rosa," You bowed your head. "My name is Y/N as you know already and beside me is Shinso!"

Shinso took out his hand for a shake and Rosa
complied, giving him a charming smile.

"I'm so glad you came," Rosa started. "I'll bring you to your tables immediately! Would you prefer upstairs or down here? Honestly, I'd choose upstairs, it's really beautiful tonight!"

You and Shinso gave each other glances, as if confirming whether the two of you would sit where Rosa recommended or not. You gave the sweet owner a smile.
"Sure! Lead the way then, Rosa!"

She happily obliged to your request and lead you and Shinso through her restaurant, heading towards the staircases that lead to the second half of the building. It was a short climb in silence before the three of you reached the top, making you gasp at how the second floor looked.

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