BNHA57: PA!! I believe in angels, something good in everything I see

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DrowninginMySoul hey girl/boy/??? / alien/ potato/ dood

Akiiiiko My youngest child yet
Im_Bi_Deal_With_It_9 wOoP nVM ive found my youngest bb

Being a parent of probably 30+ children is hard

"H-huh?" Y/N's extreme confusion made M/N giggle to herself, softly giving your head a couple of pats.

"I'm M/N, your one and only mother? Helloooo???" She said in a teasing tone, seating down beside her daughter with minimal struggle. "Don't tell me you've already forgotten about me."
"What? N-No, its not that," Y/N stuttered, stumbling over her words due to the shock that's made itself into her tiny body. "I would never forget you, mommy-"

M/N's heart warmed, its been a long time since she heard Y/N call her that word. She truly did miss her daughter and she wished that she would've been there to watch Y/N grow. Tears threatened to spill but she held them back, she shouldn't show her that she was crying. She shouldn't.

"Does this mean that you're not actually gone?"

Just as M/N's heart warmed, it quickly dropped, heart aching slowly at the one question she was afraid Y/N would ask. She tucked a strand of hair behind her child's ear and pulled her closed.

"Of course not, little firefly. I will always, always be with you to the very end."
"So when will you come back?"

M/N's breath hitched for a second and she hesitated, thinking of what to say. She held the H/C haired girl by her shoulders and mustered the softest smile she could make without tearing up.

"Soon, my dear. Soon...."

Y/N beamed, this was the best news she's ever heard of since ages ago. She wrapped her tiny arms around her mother's waist and hugged her as tight as she could, M/N simply laughing and returning the hug.

"I'm so happy to hear that!" The E/C eyed child said."Life's been hard lately, A/N's been different ever since she's lost Mimi and I guess I understand why she's being like that. I don't know where Papa is and I really miss you, Niichan, and Shota. Every night I pray that everything will be alright."

Y/N's voice trailed away softly as she realizes all that she's been through, losing her mother and brother at a young age, beaten up by her father and her auntie, watching her cousin get kidnapped before her very eyes. She gulped, realizing something inside her.

"Mommy, I realized something..." Her voice was soft, eyes cast downwards.
M/N hummed, "Yes, dear?"
"I've been the cause of everyone's problems, haven't I?"

Surprise made its way onto the older H/C haired woman, taken aback greatly by the question. What made Y/N say that? Has she always been thinking that way? Was that how she felt all those years of being gone? She looked at Y/N with sad eyes, The more she thought about it, the more her heart grew heavy. She noticed that her child, who used to be the brightest and bubbliest kid ever, acted more shy and quiet, its as if whenever she spoke, she was afraid of being scolded. What happened to her when she was gone? What happened to the light of her life? M/N could feel a certain aura clouded around Y/N, somewhat wiser and sadder despite her age. She couldn't help but feel that she failed as a mother, she was gone too soon from her child's life and from then on, nobody acted as the motherly figure in her life. The momen she found one, A/N turned out to be such a bitch. What was worse was that Y/N was at the age where she could remember the time she disappeared, memories of her still fresh in her mind.

"What makes you say that, firefly?" M/N asked.

Y/N shrugged to herself, drawing her knees to her chest, "Dunno. I guess, if I wasn't so useless and weak, maybe our family could still be together. I really miss those days, Mommy. Where Papa would come home, greet you with a kiss, and immediately carry me and Niichan. I really miss the times where you would sing a lullaby to bring me and niichan to sleep. I miss sneaking around with Papa at 10 in the evening to eat icecream while you weren't watching. I just really really really miss those days. I miss you, I miss niichan, I miss papa."

No words managed to escape from M/N's mouth though this gave
Y/N another opportunity to speak more.

"I feel so empty and lonely without you. Sure, Shota's been with me and he's helped me a lot but now I'm with Aunt A/N and...and she's just so-"

Tears cascaded down Y/N's E/C eyes, jaw trembling as she tried to keep it in and immense pain residing inside her tiny frame. She thought about those days where A/N would beat her up badly, wounds and bruises evident on her body marking the places where A/N would always hit her. She dismissed the way her auntie acted though, afterall, it was her fault Mimi got taken away.

"Nevermind," Muttering lowly to herself, just loud enough for M/N to hear, the young girl looked up, mouth opened to say something when she closed it again and rest her head back on her legs. She was about to talk about F/N, about the night he came back, the night that nearly crushed her. She was afraid to tell M/N, afraid that she would recieve backlash and harsh words. She was the one who hurt F/N, so why would M/N be on her side?

M/N looked at her, placing a comforting hand on the small of her back, "What is it, dear? Are you okay?"
Another round of tears fell from her eyes though this time she didn't try to hide it. Streams of water continued to fall and Y/N looked up, shaking her head.

"Mommy please come back."

||I have a dream by Lily James||

I beg for ultimate forgiveness school work was  dumped on me so hard i havent had proper sleep in days

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