BNHA24:PR! I dedicate this song to you, the one that never sees the truth

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Ahhhhh you guys commenting are the best I love responding to your messages🤩
anywho..enjoy this one!!! I hope yall like it
My brain is so ploop Skyrim has ruined me

"Y/N, you're such an idiot," Bakugo whispered, standing beside your bed. He eyed the bandages that covered your arms and the bits of your legs, the patches on your forehead adding along to your disheveled form.

He knew what you did, forcing him to let out an explosion that big so that it would distract the audience and you'd be able to step out.
He could've hurt you for godsake and if he did, he wouldn't know how to live with that thought in his head.

'Wait,' Bakugo frowned. 'The hell are you thinking that for? what is wrong with you? Why are you even here?'

"You care a lot about her, don't you?" A voice spoke from beside him and he turned around with a jolt, eyes traveling downwards to look at the nurse with a natural glare.

"Tch, I don't," He clicked his tongue. It was becoming a sort of habit to him now. Maybe he was starting to become a chicken.

"Mm, really?" Recovery Girl chuckled, walking over to a jar that contained colorful gummy bears. "So why'd you visit her then? For the second time too. It's almost your match. You should go."

"Just because,"

He was at loss for words, no reply, no comeback, he just went black. He shouldn't be here, yet he was. He shouldn't be caring, yet here he was, he should be out there, watching the other matches but then again, here he was, watching the girl sleep and seeing the damage he'd caused.

"Because what?" The nurse retorted back, taking out three gummy bears out the jar casually, her back towards the young male.
"I heard what you said. You didn't want to hurt her. And I saw what you did in the end, you turned away so that your explosion wouldn't hit her. I didn't reckon you'd be one to turn away."

"That ain't true you old hag," Bakugo growled, he saw your body stir slightly and shut his mouth, peeking to see if you were awake and if you heard the conversation now. He inwardly sighed when he noticed you were still sleeping, your face a bit red.

"Why would I even care about hurting her? And I didn't turn away, she got hit and that's it. She chose to get hit. I couldn't care less if she got hurt."

Recovery Girl raised her brow, "Yes, go keep telling yourself that. Anyways, here's some gummies to help sustain your energy and replenish your muscles. You nearly teared them. Be careful with your movements, such a young age for you to tear your muscles. We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"Of course I know that, I did it on purpose," The red-eyed teenager scoffed. "It's to let the pros know that I don't give up easily and that I'm hella strong. My explosions in my battle with her definitely proved it and that's all that I care about."

"Whatever you say, boy," The old hero sighed, pushing Bakugo out towards the door. "Now go, shoo, your game is right about to start."

The student growled, "I don't need you telling me what I already know you hag."

"Shoo, Shoo,"

She smiled up at Bakugo one last time,"Better hurry up, dear. Someone like her isn't going to stay single forever."

And with that, she shut the door on his handsome face, leaving a shell-shocked expression.

"Ah how sweet," The old woman sighed happily, hopping onto the chair infront of the computer she watched the matches with.

Your eyes fluttered lightly, slowly trying to adjust to the bright white lights of the room you were in. You heard voices earlier and had accidentally moved, heat rushing into your face. You stopped yourself in the nick of time, hoping that you looked as if you were still asleep.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now