BNHA4: PR! Rant to me, I like the sound, I like your voice

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I just watched Moana y'all and I cannot get over it
Ive been seeing the last part where the only line I know is "Uwe uwe"

You woke up to a not so fresh start. So far,your morning was not going as great as you thought it would be.

To start off, meaning to get out of bed, you instead rolled out of the mattress and landed on the floor with a loud thud, immediate pain shooting to your side and your back.
Second, the moment you left the comfort of your home, some kid spilled orange juice on your shirt and you didn't have time to change because you would be late. To make matters worse, your clothes were slightly orange and sticky.
Third, you were having a bad hair day. Nothing much more to explain, you were just simply having a bad hair day but you know, whatever. You let that one strand of hair stick up and constantly fall on your face as you blow it out of your way with small puff.

So, with all the stuff that happened to you that morning, one could imagine that you were annoyed as hell and the scene before you definitely did not soothe you out.

Once you opened the door to you classroom, you were immediately greeted by the sight of this angry blond yelling at a green haired kid by the door, who only squeaked in response.

"If you ever go near me again," Angry blondie yelled, hand tensed as mini explosions crackled in it." I will make sure you never live to see another day. Got that, Deku?!"

"Y-yes, K-kacchan,"

"Hey.That's not something nice to hear, is it," You spoke out, arms on your hips as you leaned your weight on one leg. "Kacchan~"

"Kacchan" glanced at you, a tick mark appearing on his head.He neared your smaller frame, stopping just right infront of you so the both of you were face to face. "Who the fuck are you supposed to be?"

You stared right back at him, looking up with a bored expression. You shrugged, tilting you head while you gazed deep into his eyes,"You'll find out later. You're in the hero course, are you not? Those definitely did not sound so heroic to me, right, Deku?"

The guy with green messy hair, who was supposedly named Deku, flushed, his face turning beet red. He nodded his head frantically, avoiding eye contact.

Kacchan, or whatever his name was, clicked his tongue, his red orbs staring deep into hers,"You still didn't answer my fucking question though."

You smirked, pushing his face away with your hand, "Like I said, you'll find out later. As for now, better get back to your seat because it seems like the teacher is here."

His eyes widened, did this bitch just push him away by putting a hand on his face? What the fuck. He growled, though he couldn't help but hold a challenging smirk on his face. He liked you. He shoved his hands in his pockets, turning on his heel to face your back as you paced ahead of him.

"Name's Bakugo Katsuki. Remember that name because that name will be the next top hero."

You gave him a look over your shoulder,"Sure, whatever you say, Kacchan."

But just as the blond was about to respond, a voice spoke behind him, muffled and monotonous.

Thee man surged forward, ignoring the gaping mouths of the students as they protested and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Aizawa-sensei, you're back too soon!"

The teacher grunted, limping slightly to his
desk, looking like some sort of mummy. He turned around and faced his class, dismissing their concern,"My wellfare is not of importance. I'm fine."

Before they could protest more, his voice rang throughout the class, efficiently silencing them,"This is the new student. Introduce yourself.."

The pairs of eyes fixated on you who up at the front,beaming at them cutely. You waved your hand slightly in the air and bowed curtly,"I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet all of you."

"Again, she is the new and only new student that joined today. She was given a recommendation only a few received."

At this, a few people perked up, mainly Bakugo and the green haired kid. They stared at you with interest, the people of your class now eyeing you with a sort of curiousity on what your quirk and the level of skill you had that gave you a recommendation.

"Sit on the seat between Yaoyorozu and Todoroki," Aizawa ordered and you nodded your head.

You scanned the classrom before your E/C eyes landed on the empty seat between a responsible looking girl and this stoic faced boy with two hair colors.

You trudged there quickly, dropping your bag on the floor and taking a seat. Turning to your side, you faced the girl with a wide smile on your face.

"So I'm guessing you're Yaoyorozu?"

The black haired female beamed,nodding her head," Yep. But please, I'd prefer if you called me Momo."

"If that's the case then you can call me Y/N," You grinned toothily, sending your new seatmate a quick wink." From now on, let's be friends, okay?"

Yaoyorozu's face seemed to lighten up and she eagerly nodded her head, glad to make a friend.  
She wondered if that's how all people made aquaintances with each other.

She sort of spaced out and this gave you a chance to turn to the other direction.

"So she's Yaoyorozu and you're Todoroki," You said, pointing at him with a slender finger. You took the liberty in eyeing him, from his two toned hair to the mark on his teal colored eye. Damn was he beautiful.

He nodded his head, his voice low," Yeah."
After that, he said nothing, returning back to copying notes from the board while the pro hero discussed at front. He glanced at you when you spoke with a slight chuckle, a teasing tone laced within your voice.

"Well, aren't you a talkative one."

He was about to respond when Aizawa's voice cut through their sort of one sided conversation, calling the name of his niece.

You looked up at him and sheepishly smiled at your uncle, rubbing the back of your head,"Woops, sorry Shota-Aizawa-sensei!"

The adult grumbled something in response before turning his back on the students, resuming his discussion.

Todoroki eyed the pretty new comer, a smile gracing your features as you got a notebook and a pen out.
You just called Aizawa-sensei by his first name and his eyes narrowed, What kind of relationship did you have with the pro hero. Was it like with All Might and Midoriya? Is she his child?

His train of thoughts was disrupted by a soft voice,
"Uhm..did you need something?"

Heat rushed into his face, forming into a small blush on his cheeks as he realized he'd been caught staring.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to stare."

He heard you chuckle lightly, your head turned to face him as your hair fell over your shoulders.
"It's fine. But feel free to talk to me or whatever, I'll be your seatmate forever so now you're stuck with me, whether you like it or yes, I'll keep talking."

Before he could stop himself, a small smile broke onto his face and he responded with the first thing that popped into his head," I don't mind listening to you."

The corners of your lips tugged at words and you sent a wide smile, nodding your head eagerly.
He knew he still had to be cautious of you, maybe you'd become another obstacle that'll prevent him from reaching his goal and that he'll have to quickly overcome. But maybe, just for once, he didn't mind taking a break if you were the one he'll have to go through.

|| Fool by Cavetown ||
Ops ://
Maybe the ending was too early but like yknow what waddaheck . whack
I like it.
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