BNHA29: PR! I'm a good pretender, come and see my show

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Maiiiiiii head hurts HAHAHHA but I have nothing to do so 🤷‍♀️ i posted an extra two chapters ahead cuz i got bored


"Pikachu, I'm gonna head to the restroom first, alright?" You said, tapping him in the shoulder as you passed him to get to the door.

"No problem, princess! I'll just wait in here," Kaminari relied, beaming at you. You sent him an appreciative nod and quickly headed out the classroom.

Once the blond had made sure she was gone, he went over towards Midoriya, who was packing his things away. He proceeded to tap the broccoli on the shoulder, in which he jolted back in surprise.

"Kaminari?!" Midoriya screeched and the said boy grinned, pointing at himself with a thumb.
"The one and only."

Tilting his head, Midoriya asked, "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to ask, why did you say sorry to Y/N when she said her hero name? Did something happen?"

"No it's not that anything happened between us," The freckled boy frowned, gripping the notebook he held in his hand tightly. "It's what happened to her mother and the rest of her family."

"Yeah, I wondered about that," Kirishima interjected from beside Kaminari and slowly a crowd started to gather around Midoriya's seat. They were all curious. "After we were training for the Sports Festival, Y/N had mention something about her family. I knew it was probably a sensitive topic after seeing her reaction and I didn't want to pry."

"Well, it is kinda tragic," Midoriya replied, shooting the redhead a glance. "Of course you all know the female legendary hero, Elemen. All over the news, the press always trying to get her to spill her whole life, there was a lot about her but there was one thing the media didn't disclose, it was that she had died."

"But didn't the media say she went to retire?" Yaoyorozu said, a hand on her chin as she thought aloud.

Midoriya nodded his head and let out a hum, "Have you ever noticed why they didn't ever show her face live or anything? Especially since she's a popular hero, I'm sure the media would've wanted a live and in person message from someone like her."

"So the media lied to us?" Kaminari asked as the students around the desk of the greenette processed the new information they had learn. "And Y/N's mother is dead?"

"What was that?" A soft voice spoke from behind the group and every head turned to look at the E/C-eyed female with wide eyes. They were like deer frozen under the headlights.

"Oh, Y/N!" Mina let out an awkward laugh. "We were just talking about you!"

"And my mother," You bluntly blurted out, making pairs of eyes look at the their feet in guilt, suddenly finding interest in them. "If you guys wanted to know, you could've just asked instead of you know...that."

You gestured towards the small group that huddled around the one desk and were intently listening to Midoriya's story.

Midoriya nervously held his blue notebook full of notes of heroes in his hands. They were starting to become sweaty in fear that you would get mad,"We weren't sure if you wanted to since you never talk about yourself and your family."

"It's fine, I assure you," You let out a small laugh. I mean, what could go wrong with telling them?

"To continue Midoriya's story," The group transferred and huddled around your body instead, leaning in close to listen to you. Some of them sat on the chairs and others toppled onto the desks, watching you with a piercing gaze. "The media hadn't disclose that my mother and brother had died out of respect for Shota's request. A bunch of villains had broken into our home while me and my brother were still young and my mother was still pregnant with a third baby. She told me and my brother to run while she tried to hold off the strong villains herself when she was very vulnerable since there was a baby in her."

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now