BNHA68:PR!! I fell in love with you cuz' you make me feel

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I rlly like the concept of Ochako liking Midoriya its hard for me to write about her being into Y/N like I find it so cute that she be out there liking the broccoli boy

One of many hands crushed the paper into a measly ball, disintegrating it into ashes in a mere couple of seconds. His blood was starting to boil, patience thinning in a way everyone knew he was pissed.

The purple fog behind the counter sighed, cleaning one of the cups gently with care,"Don't worry. We will win, the team we've sent out is a strong one."

The man covered in hands made no sound, hand drumming the countertop gently, his thoughts swirling in his head to plan the possible outcomes if they fail or succeed.

"We know they'll be leaving in two weeks," The phantom sighed once again, setting down the cup he cleaned and refilling his partner's cup with a new set of liquid. "They know the plan, we're only apprehending two targets. If they can get the third one then all the more even perfect."

Shigaraki looked up from his drink, glancing at the photos that hung on the wall. He let out a grunt, swirling his drink around in small circles.

Cyan blue eyes let out a tired sigh through his nose, shifting through the photographs pinned inside the folder. One with spiky blond hair, one with a bird-like head, and the last one being...

His eyes widened, pulling out the last photograph to look closer into it. A young female with H/C hair and E/C eyes caught his attention. She stood with a huge wave of water rising from behind her frame, seemingly as if she were in control of it. A half-assed smile made its way onto his scarred face as he flipped the photograph, the name Y/N L/N scribbled neatly onto the back.
He chuckled darkly, a surge of excitement buzzing in him. He can't wait for the two weeks to come by quickly.


You approached the meet up place tiredly, stiffling a yawn as you stretched your arms high above you. You were just a few minutes late from the agreed time for meeting, refusing early in the morning to go with your dad to school just so you could get a couple more extra minutes of sleep.

From where you approached, you were able to see the busses that were meant to transport the classes, the majority of the students from both class 1A and class 1B already present in the area.

You let out another yawn, eyes closing to try and compensate for the lack of sleep. Like always, you were up late binge watching a couple of episodes from (favorite series), unable to resist the temptation and boredom seeping through your mind that very night. Of course, that was a lie, who would watch just a couple episodes of (series), you watched the remainder and finished the entire season like the normal human being that you were.

Anywho, as your eyes opened and adjusted to the light, a certain redhead popped into your view with a bright smile, looking closely at you with a happy gaze.
"Hi Y/N!"

You jumped back in surprise, the unexpected form of Kirishima leering into you the moment your E/C eyes opened freaked you out before you let out a sigh.
"Red, don't scare me like that..."
Kirishima let out a chuckle, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry about that. I thought you weren't gonna be able to make it."
You gave him a look, one brow raised high as you shook your head, "Puh-lease! And miss the summer camp? Red, I wouldn't miss this for the world! Besides, I wouldn't get to see you-"

Kirishima felt his face heat up, heart pounding rapidly inside his chest, butterflies spreading into his stomach.

"-And everyone else!"

Well.. atleast you mentioned him first.

You grabbed his hand, lifting it up as you began to walk.
"C'mon, Red!" You said, pulling him towards the bus with an excited bounce in your steps. Seeing your classmates interact and talk with each other made you want to talk too, they always did manage to brighten your day and lift your mood so early in the morning.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now