BNHA 36: PR! I got the horses in the back, yeehaw🤠🤠🤠

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double update yall how ya like me now

"Alright, buddy, let's see what you got," You whispered to yourself, bringing out the small, rectangular techy devices into your scarred hands. You frowned when the screen was still blank, only showing the reflection of your face, which was disappointing. The screen being blank, okay, not your face, just to be clear.

You grunted and shook the object, hitting the side of it with your open palm. You flipped it amd checked for any way to turn it on.

"This thing is garbage," You dissed, shaking your head. "The hell, Yamaha. Saying I needed it or whatever, trying to act cool or something."

You dropped your arm and let it lay limp on your side, in the middle of a ring of trees that seemed infinite. You blew a raspberry and sighed.

"You know what, Riza. It's all men for themselves," You muttered. "See you in a couple minutes or whatever, I'm gonna be taking my time."

You began walking straight, passing similar looking trees, similar looking rocks, and similar looking grounds. You didn't know where you were headed, you just kept walking. All you knew was that you had to find Snipe and take him out, maybe save Riza, depends.

It was silent, with only the sounds of the birds and the squirrels when you heard a beep.

At first, you didn't mind it, but as you continued walking, the beeping became so consistent, it annoyed you. You looked for the source of sound, only to realize that it was the tech your hand held creating the noise.

"Bingo," You grumbled out, lifting your arm up to eye the device. Your eyes widened in surprise however when you saw a small triangular shape on the screen, surrounded by tiny, numerous, and uncountable green dots.

"GPS?" You wondered, testing it out. You began moving forward, the tiny triangle on the screen moving as well, only confirming your thoughts. You gripped it with your two hands, eyes scanning every part and section of the green. It was then that you noticed two red dots at the far cornerside, one dot was moving around back and forth while the other one seemed to be sitting.

"This must be Snipe," You eyed the dot that paced back and forth. Then you looked at the dot that stayed put. "Then that must be Riza since she's the one being taken hostage. Awesome!"

You kept the GPS inside the pocket of your track pants and began your sprint. They weren't too far away, just diagonally straight ahead from where you stood. Occasionally, you would fish out the GPS from your pocket and check if you were headed the right way.

After feeling like you've been sprinting for forever, you arrived infront of a Cottage. It was decent looking enough, not too shabby although a few termites have bitten into some parts of the wood used for the front porch. Infront of the cottage were a pack of hounds, looking straight at you with their ears pointed.

They saw you edge closer and immediately they crouched, barring their teeth at you viscously, foam dribbling from their mouths.

Your face went slack and you stepped slowly towards them, hand out, "Easy there. Good dogs, Stay please."

The dogs only began barking as you pleaded with them. You picked up a stick from a ground, "You want a stick? Go fetch!"
The hounds looked at you to the stick then back at you again, their growls turning more ferocious.

"Oh shit," You muttered, stalking towards them with no choice. The dogs then pounced, running towards you and you turned, running away from them. Noticing that they weren't chasing you, it was then that you realized they were chained down. "Ha Ha! Take that!"

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