BNHA52: PR!! I'm trouble, I bet it all on devil. You know I'm trouble

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                             trying something out :)
Hi who here likes one piece? No one? Okay :((

"Wait so let me get this straight, I'm going to spar with your daughter for today?" Shinso asked, watching you bounce up and down on your two feet like a video game character.
Aizawa crossed his arms and leaned against the post, nodding his head, "Yes. Is there a problem with that?"
"No, sensei," The purple-eyed male said, giving a small bow of his head in respect. "But.." Looking at you with a cocky, playful smirk present on his handsome face, he easily said to your father. "It'll be too easy though, Sensei."

You harrumphed, shifting your weight onto one leg and looking at him with a cheeky grin , "Don't you underestimate me, boo. Give me all you got. You're nothing I can't handle."
"Fine," Shinso retorted back almost immediately.
"So it's settled then," Aizawa coolly said from the sidelines. "Head to your respective positions and on my mark, fight. No quirks however, this is just full on hand to hand combat. Shinso, don't forget what I've taught you and N/N...well, goodluck."

You and Shinso parted ways, heading towards opposite ends and creating a slightly large gap between the two of you. Both of you stood right across each other, determination lighting up in your eyes as you awaited for your father's signal to begin.

In the meantime, you eyed Shinso purposefully, trying to gain any new advantages and openings into defeating him. Afterall, you didn't know how much he was capable of, therefore you had the idea to stay on the defensive side.


You circled each other for a while, waiting for any one of you to strike. Thoughts and strategies racked inside your brain, from you thinking about food to planning on how you would attack Shinso. Usually, you would often strike your opponent first to throw them off balance but the way Shinso carried himself was more confident than ever. In fact, you would think he'd actually be the one to-

Shinso lunged at you with his fist leveled beside his head, crossing the empty space in a matter of seconds. You smirked, pivoting yourself to the side and smacking the male at the back of his knees. He stumbled a bit forward before he regained his footing and turned, using another opportunity to strike you at your side.

You simply side stepped however, grabbing Shinso's wrist tightly and before he could processed anything, flipped him over your shoulder with ease. He landed on his stomach and just as he was about to make a move, you sat on his back, grabbing both his arms in your two hands and pinning them above his head.

"Too easy. This felt like nothing at all," You chortled, looking up at your dad for approval. "See? I ain't rusty no more, dad. "
Aizawa let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, "What did I say about talking like that?"

"Can you get off me now?" Shinso asked from under you, having to turn his head just to look at your form above him.
"Oh yeah, I'm sorry," You apologized, unpinning his arms and standing up, making sure to brush the invisible dust off your shirt.


The purple haired male stood up slowly, facing his mentor with a frown on his tired-looking face. He gave you a glance before focusing back on the black-haired teacher who was situated right infront of you. Meanwhile, you stood in the sidelines, watching the way your father taught Shinso just like how he taught you when you were younger.

"You were too eager to fight and lost badly. Eager to impress Y/N that you immediately acted without thinking," Aizawa scolded. "If you were in a real battle, you would've lost already."
"I'm sorry, sensei," Shinso bowed. He then turned to look at you with determination written all over face. You looked up at him curiously.
"Please have a rematch with me!"
Smiling at him, you held out your hand in which Shinso took it as a sign to grip it in his own bigger ones. You gave your locked hands a firm shake, nodding your head at him and loving his fired-up attitude.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now