BNHA58: PR!! Angel sent from up above, I feel it coursing through my blood

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Im so ploopy rn guys I literary just woke up from passing out and just found out we have Calcu test tom but whateber fuck that rn im literary just in the dorm living room
My roommate says hi

"Yo, yo, yo, hold up holla," You said, arms reached to grab both Midoriya and Bakugo on either side of you. They both paused, waiting for you to continue. You took a deep breath, staring tihem both right in the eye before you began to speak, making sure they listened to your every word without disrupting to you.
"We should like work together and come up with a plan to defeat All Might..."

"What?!" You winced slightly. Bakugo had directly yelled into your ear as you expected him too, knowing that he was bound to reject the very idea of working with Midoriya from the very start. He was avoiding Midoriya like he be like the Bubonic Plague. It really be like that sometimes but not now! Not at such a crucial moment for your team! Y'all needed a way to pass and fast.

"I'm just saying.." You lightly eased, making sure your voice was soft and gentle. "We need to work together. I don't know about you two but like.. I really wanna pass. If us not working together is gonna be the reason why fail, I'm going to beat the two of you to the pulp then throw myself in a trashcan."
"Tch," Bakugo clicked his tongue. "As if I'd work with the likes of him.."

He gestured towards Midoriya with a tilt of his chin and you could see the hurt flash in the eyes of your freckled friend. You frowned, opening your mouth to speak up when the green-haired boy beat you to it.

"She's right, Kacchan," Midoriya visibly gulped, doing his best to stand up to his childhood friend. "We're the last team to take the test. We have time to actually strategize given that as a team we-"
"Shuttup! Don't touch me!" Anger flared inside Bakugo and his fists tightened against his side. The distance between the two neared, Bakugo towering over Midoriya's slightly smaller frame.

"Like I said," The blond growled loudly."I will never work with you. You're just wasting my time. You got that shitty deku?"

The male turned swiftly, clothed back shifted to face you and Midoriya, whose sweat trickled down his forehead lightly.
Bakugo began to move though you stopped him with a hand placed gently on his tensed shoulder.

"Wait, Granada...I think he's right," You said and Bakugo's eyes widened in an instant. They narrowed down however and he roughly pulled away from your touch, making you look at him with questioning,hurt eyes. He turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder.

"Tch, don't touch me," Bakugo growled. "Don't slow me down in the fucking fight. If you're going to be useless, might as well not even join. Don't even try and talk to me, L/N-"

Ouch. What happened to the kinda cute nickname he called you? Why was he calling you by your last name? You felt your chest stinging slightly at the way he spoke, confusion running through your blood.

"If you ever so much as talk to me, I won't hesitate to blow you up bitch."

And with, the angry blond left, his words ringing both inside your heads as you watched him leave with a stomp. You frowned, ignoring the pain inside you and closed your mouth that had unhinged slightly, glancing towards Midoriya, your heart slightly aching at the crushed look evident on the young boy's face. You reached out to grab his hand in comfort, pulling at it slightly with a soft smile on your face.
"Hey 'Zuku, we can always talk strategies without him, you know..."

Midoriya's face immediately brightened and he eagerly nodded his head,"Cmon then! Let's go!"
He pulled at your hand in an instant, bringing you to another location with a slight spring in his steps. You struggled to keep up with him, giving your classmates one last look before leaving.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now