BNHA47: PR! You probably think that you are better now, better now

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in the jungle the mighty jungle
the lion sleeps tonight

"No! Don't come here...don't kill Edgeshot, he literally did nothing...yes, it's my fault. I didn't listen to Edgeshot's orders and went out and yes, I deliberately disobeyed my mentor's orders..."

You've been enduring Aizawa's yelling for about 30 minutes now, slightly wincing whenever he raised his voice. Hugging your pillow tightly against your chest, you continued to press the phone close to your ear.

"Yes yes I was reckless and I wasn't thinking straight..b-but! What?! No..ugh..wait dad..just listen..nO! Don't..! Just..just listen first!! Okay..okay! You're angry I get it but..but we helped a lot of people and..Yeah, yeah, I know dad..I'm really, really sorry..oh uh..I'm okay now, the doctor said I'll need a few more days to recover...I'm really sorry, okay? Okay..okay.. I'm grounded..right, right..Love you too.."

Hanging up the phone, you leaned back on the bed, letting out a tired sigh. You closed your eyes gently, taking deep steady breaths to prevent the pain in your chest from getting any worse.

You opened your eyes however when the door to your room slid open, revealing your ninja mentor who strided in with a frown on his face.

You refused to look him in the eye, averting your gaze to your hands that lay limply on your lap.

"I'm really so-" You started, gathering up the courage to look up and apologize only to be interrupted by a raise of his hand.

"Don't apologize," Edgeshot's strict voice ordered and you immediately shut your mouth. "I can't say I'm not disappointed in you. You went out despite my orders and managed to pick a fight with a very, very dangerous criminal. You engaged in fights with the hero killer and the countless Nomus that wrecked the city, managing to obtain very serious injuries that could've prevented you from ever becoming a hero.."

Hearing his words, you couldn't help but look away in shame, fiddling with the edge of your blanket. His tone was soft yet stern, slightly muffled by the black mask he always wore when he was out on duty.


There it is..the But. You gazed slowly up at him, witnessing him pull at his mask and letting hang around his neck, a small smile playing around his lips.

"But you did help and protect one of the pro heroes, Native, and most especially your friends. You sacrificed your self and was willing to obtain all these wounds just for your loved ones to be safe. You also aided in evacuating the citizens who were in danger when the Nomus were terrorizing the city. You kept your cool and fought brilliantly. You've got a bright future, kid. Here, this is from the couple you helped.."

He proceeded to hand you a white envelope and you shyly took it from his hands. You quickly opened the envelope and pulled out a cute, pink card.

My wife and I would like to say our thanks for saving us from that monster. Come visit us in our restaurant and we'd gladly serve you our finest!
-Stacey and Rosa :))

Right below the message was a polaroid of two beautiful women both with bright smiles on their faces as they wrapped their arms around each other. Behind them was a well-known 5 star restaurant that made your eyes go wide. You saved the owners of one of the finests retaurants in the city?! Oh dang.

Your heart warmed at the generous offer the happily betrothed gave you and made a mental note to visit some time.

Edgeshot edged closer to you and ruffled your hair in a fatherly manner, "Next time, kid, be careful, okay? Wouldn't want you to break a couple more bones that you already did. Anyways, I best be going now, duty awaits although there are three friends of yours that want to visit."

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now