BNHA48: PR!! But I don't mind, I'm feeling fine

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Uwu hi guys!!
I have a new child:
Hiii im adopting you okay



You hadn't given yourself time to think how much trouble you were actually in that it had to involve the head of the police department no less. Now that there was an actual representative of the law infront of you, you realized you've broken more than enough laws even when you are still a minor.

You didn't move from your spot, letting your legs hang by the edge of the bed, awaiting the words of the police officer.

"As police force, we are actually obligated to punish you by law and not only you but your mentos as well."

"What?!" Todoroki was taken aback, taking a step forward with a small frown. "Without us the Hero Killer would still be terrorizing the heroes of Japan!"
"And," You added, giving the two-toned male a side glance. "There would've been a lot more casualties if we hadn't stopped the Nomus! You're going to be punishing us for what we're supposed to be doing? Helping the city as heroes? Isn't that why we're studying in UA right now?"

"You make a valid point," The chief hummed, shoving his hands in the pockets of the coat he wore. "But might I remind you that the four of you stil aren't heroes and are not yet given an official permit by the government."

You opened your mouth in shock but you weren't able to say anything. The chief cleared his throat and continued to speak, cutting the silence in the air.

"I watched all your performances during the Sports Festival. All of you have remarkable talent and skill which was efficiently displayed that night. However, you are still minors and are not obligated to go out on your own without a license. Therefore, you will be punished according to the law."

Todoroki clenched his fists tightly, "But that-"
"Shoto.." You whispered under your breath and the male gave you his attention. You shook your head smallt and mouthed, "Don't"

The tension in his face cleared and he no longer frowned, going back to the same emotionless expression he always wore. You hopped out your bed with a slight, barely noticeable grimace.

"You're right, Sir. I acted recklessly and directly disobeyed my mentor's orders. I engaged in combat with a dangerous criminal that nearly costed my life. After that, I went off to fight the Nomus and encouraged my friends to do the same but please..." You bent your body ninety degrees, surprising everyone inside the room. "Please don't punish the mentors nor my friends. I was the one that did not listen to Edgeshot's words and brought along my friends, forcing them to disobey their mentors orders as well. I take full responsibility for all our actions that night."

You stayed still in your bowed position, awaiting the Chief's words. You were surprised however when you heard him chuckle slightly.

"Stand up, L/N..."

You did as you were told though you looked down at the ground, showing your superiors that you were truly ashamed of your actions.

"You'll go far, L/N. You're like an exact replica of your mother, yes, I remember her very clearly. She saved my life and well, because of her, I wanted to become a hero as well. A police officer.."

Looking up at the dog-headed officer, your eyes slightly enlarged and you could see the nostalgia flash in his eyes for a moment. A small smile formed onto your face and you bowed your head with gratitude.
"Thank you, chief."

He gave you another affirmative nod and turned his gaze elsewhere, directing it to the rest of your classmates.

"Not too worry, children. Everything I told you was the official word of the police but to be honest with you, I oppose the idea of punishing you all. How could we punish the heroes who saved countless of lives? If your acts of heroism that night are not made public then police will not take charges. However, Endeavor will be the one taking the credits this time, the burns on both the Nomus and the Hero Killer support the idea that it was him who took them down."

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